Chapter 10

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Sara's Pov.
I woke with a start, sweat dripping off my face. It was just a dream...Mark and Jack are okay... Right? I opened my eyes. I felt dizzy. I wonder what they injected me with and if the nightmare was a side effect. I looked up. I was some sort of doctor's room. (Like the one where you go when you have a check-up.) There was no one else in the room. I sat up. I was laying on some sort of "bed". I stood up and took a look around. The room wasn't that big. There was a sink, a couple of chairs, some drawers, and some medical equipment. There was a timer on one of the walls. The numbers weren't changing though. It read 5 minutes. The numbers were bright red. I shuddered. The numberd look like blood. I hope Jack is okay. There was a grate in one of the corners of the room. I walked over towards it.

"Hello... Can anyone hear me?"

Maria's Pov.

"Hello... Can anyone hear me?"

My head hurt. I felt like I've been druged. I opened my eyes. Was someone shouting? I was in some sort of surgery room. I was laying on the table. I sat up. There was a timer in the corner. It read 5 minutes. Someone shouted again.

"Hello!... Is there anyone else here?"

I answered back.


I walked towards the sound. There was a grate in the corner of the room. I looked into it and gasped. Sara was on the other side of the grate.

"Sara! Omg are you okay?"

Sara's Pov.

"I'm okay. Maria, how..."

Before I could finish my sentence, the clocks in our room began to count down.

"Um....What's going on? "

"I don't know..."

Mark's Pov.

I woke up in some sort of room. I'm getting really tired of this sh*t. The room was empty except for 2 buttons on the wall. Why are these buttons here? What are they for? There was also a piece a paper on the floor. I picked it up and read it.

Hello Markiplier. Welcome to my little experiment. I'm so happy a could get you to help with this. You see the 2 buttons on the wall? One is connected to Sara's room, the other is connected to Maria's room. Your job is simple, push one of the buttons. It up to you which one you pick. You have 5 minutes. Your time starts now. Good luck.

~The Healer

If you don't choose either they both die.

I sat the paper down. What the f*ck. How the f*ck am I supposed to choose? A timer, that I didn't see before lit up in front of me and started counting down.

Hey peeps. Sorry if this chapter is bad and/or confusing. Also I'm thinking about taking a break for a couple of day after posting this chapter. Don't worry because I'm going to come up with some better ideas for this book. Anyways untill the next chapter.


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