Chapter 9

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Sara's Pov.

"You run that way, I'll run this way. We need to get out of this hell hole. I'm not staying here any longer. If you find a way out, go. Don't wait for me."

I gave Mark one more hug before I ran out of the cell. I was running as fast as I could. Mark and I shouldn't have split up. This isnt going to end well. The sound of thumping was echoing behind me. I shivered in fear. I need to find Jack and Maria. Where could they be? I continued running knife in my left hand. How do I get out of here? I need to find a way before my arm bleeds out. I looked behind me. There was a small trail of blood. Sh*t I turned a corner and before I could react, the knife in my hand went straight into someone's heart. I looked down at who it was.


It was Mark. My eyes were burning with tears. No it can't be Mark... it can't be...


I felt for a pulse. He was dead. I layed on top of him, crying.

"Mark... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to do this to you... It should be me... I should be the one that's dead not you..."

I stood back up wiping the tears off my face. I need to keep running or else he's going to catch me. I stood up, gave Mark his last hug, nefore I kept running down the hall. I can't just leave him there...he doesn't deserve this... but I don't have another option. I turned another corner. It led me into a large room. I took a look around. It was mostly empty except someone was laying on the ground. I walk foward and more tears kept coming. Jack was laying on the ground. He was dead. He was covered in so much blood. One of his eyes were missing. I fell beside him.

NO...Not Jack too! ... Just why.... Why does it have to end this way?!?!

I need to keep moving. I need to find Maria, I need to know she's okay. As I stood up to leave, someone came up behind me. They had a knife in their hand. I started to run. Before I could escape he came up and stabbed me directly in the heart. I fell next to Jack. My life passed before my eyes before everything went dark.

So before I go just want to tell that in this chapter things might not always be what they seem. What that means for this book... well I can't give everything away. Where's the fun in that? Anyways untill the next chapter...

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