Chapter Six

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SO, I've been grounded. I.E. No computer, no cell phone, no Ipod, no...basically anything :p thanks for waiting bros and hoes ^_^ i love you all XD

I woke up in a white bed, and my mom's face swirled in my vision.

"Noelle? Noelle! Squeeze my hand if you could hear me!" she screamed in my face.

I failed to squeeze her hand, and she began to cry.

"She looked at me!" my mother yelled, tears streaming down her face. "She opened her eyes and---"

A young doctor pushed her out of the way, doing nothing to calm her. The doctor was dressed in white, everything was so white, and he looked down into my eyes.


Was he seriously impersonating a doctor? I thought he had a life to attend to. He didn't seem so up and ready to assist me last night before ditching me in the woods. I could've been mauled by a bear. There was a news story on that yesterday. Doesn't he watch the fucking news?

"Are you sure she opened her eyes, ma'am?" he asked, addressing my mother. She nodded weakly, looking at me.

Why was everyone looking at me? Is there something wrong? Should I be worried---


I started internally screaming at every organ in my body to move, to jump up, to do something. But they never did, and I was forced to lie there, fighting tears that somehow I knew would never come.

Jason's voice shocked me. "I think your seeing things, ma'am. Your daughter is in a coma. She hit her head pretty hard when she fell."

This comment didn't do anything to resolve my mother's hysterical sobbing, and yet again, Jason didn't offer any sympathy.

"I'm sorry," Jason said, "but these are not normally visiting hours. You can see Noelle again tomorrow."

Somehow my mom found it in herself to look at me one more time, move her fingers across my forehead in the sign of the cross, and leave the room, not bothering to wipe stray tears off her cheecks.

Jason turned to me. "A coma," he said. more to himself than to me. "That was a good one. Nice thought. Wasn't it Noelle?"

I still couldn't move, but I had no doubt Jason had done something to me. Poisen? Had he paralyzed me? No, I couldn't move anything above my waist, either.

"Now, Noelle, my name is Jason. I'll be your doctor today," he smiled menacingly, and if I could move my mouth I'd be screaming.

"I don't think I should've lied to your mom about visiting you tomorrow..."

Then he pulled my limp body off the white bed, smiled a white smile, and left the white room.

It was a relief when my world went black.

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