Chapter Three

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David drove me home. He was so drunk I thought we were going to die. Somehow I made it home okay, and somehow my mom didn't notice he was drunk. Thank God he didn't get out of the car and come talk to her.

David isn't my boyfriend, he's more of that one friend you know you have no chance with, so you don't even bother liking him like that. People keep telling me David's a player, but he's really not. I know he's just looking for that one special girl.

I have not been friends with David that long, but I think he's the only friend I have.

My mom was crying later that night. I asked her about it, and she sobered up quickly, probably wanting to look strong in front of me. I know how she hates looking vulerable.

"The oracle, you know her? That old woman, Ms. Windle? She can read the future, did you know that? No, of course not, of course you don't. Ms. Windle doesn't live near us."

I nodded, noticing how she goes on and on when she's upset.

"Ms. Windle said..." she stuttered and he voice broke. "She said that this year was a bad one. The wolves are angry at us. The ditch... It won't be once a year, Noelle. It will be more...frequent.

I'm scared, Noelle," she continued. "What if," she started to lose it again. "What if you're next? I couldn't-- I don't know what I would do!"

I walked over and sat beside her. Ms. Windle was probably a fake. A wannabe, striving for attention.

"Mom?" I asked. "What really happened to dad? You told me when I was seven he disappeared. I knew that wasn't true then. It's been ten years since then. Tell me."

She started sobbing uncontrollably. I almost felt bad for her.

"It's true, Noelle! He disappeared! I can't-- I don't!" She stopped talking.

I ran upstairs. I opened the door to my bedroom and slammed it with force. And then almost had a heart attack.

"I can tell you what happened to your dad."

Jason was sitting on my bed.

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