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Your name is Y/N Dreyar, the younger sister of Laxus Dreyar. You have been missing since you were only 5 years old and your family was worried sick, especially your older brother. A year went past and your family finally gave up hope searching for you. That was 13 years ago, and no one has caught wind of you since then. All of your friends and family just moved on like nothing happened, except your older brother. He was never been the same since that day, when you disappeared. The poor boy had to cope with the unforgiving pain tearing away at his heart at only 10 years of age. The age gap between you two didn't ever matter and you were close as can be. No one knew what happened to you, but you had been on quite an adventure.

You had grown up in a remote village, in the middle of the country. You and your older brother liked exploring in the forest near your house. On this certain day, heavy rain had begun as soon as you started walking through the dense foliage. You couldn't even see two feet in front of you. You stopped and called out for your brother. "LAXUS" you screamed at the top of your lungs. "LAXUS! LAXUS! LAAAXUUS!!!" You screamed, slowly giving up hope. Hot tears began sliding down your cheeks as you slowly shuffled forward, trying to find any sight of your older brother. Instead, you found yourself in a clearing. Suddenly the dense, grey clouds over head disappeared leaving behind a bright blue sky with the fading beauty of a vibrant rainbow. You didn't care for that at the moment though. You were too scared. All of a sudden a shadow passed above you, making you freeze in your tracks, slowly tilting your head upwards. A gust of wind pushed against you as the magnificent beast landed in the clearing. You were to scared to move your feet, but you were able to swivel your head around to gaze at the terrifyingly gorgeous monster beside you. A dragon.

The beast was huge, easily the size of your home times three. It's scales sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight, each individual one a slightly different colour. The dragon slowly dropped down onto its knees and softly brought its head down to rest in front of your shaking form. It gently snorted a gust of smoke into your face, almost as if it was telling you climb aboard. The beasts vibrant eyes stared at you intently. One was purple and the other was yellow. So you decided that you would ride it. As soon as your were semi-comfortably seated between the beasts shoulder blades, it stood. In one strong flap of its wings, you were in the air, wind soaring through your hair. You clung tightly to its neck as the dragon brought you in to the unknown.

A year went by in the company of your dragon. She was the dragon of elements, Elementa. She taught you the basics of all the magics, dark and light, dragon-slayer and regular. Even the forbidden magics power were in your grasp. You were also taught what to do should Elementa ever die, not like that was going to happen any time soon. You were to shoot a blast fire magic in the air and the dragon Igneel would come and save you. He would train you for 3 months in the ways of fire dragon-slayer Magic. From there, you would travel to the dens of different dragons, and the occasional pupal, to complete your training. Luckily you were a quick learner, because after your joyful, carefree year with Elementa, she fell severely ill. One morning she didn't wake up. You were devastated but managed to keep your emotions in check. You did as she had told you and sent a jolt of fire into the air, nearly burning a few feathers off a migrating bird. You heard the flap of wings approaching but made a quick decision. You would always were a good that hid your face so as not to become overly attached to anyone, or anyone becoming attached to you. You had already had enough heart-break for a 6 year old girl.

Your next few years were spent perfecting your magic. You could keep your face devoid of all emotions and perform all kinds of magic. You also had an exceptional pain tolerance, which you discovered after the pupal of the fire dragon Igneel decided that he wanted to get into a fight with you. Igneel had to intervene and you ended up both getting burnt. Not like that was happening again. You were now immune to all elements thanks to your elemental dragon-slayer magic and lots of practice. In fact, you could absorb elements and restore magic power, or become more powerful. After two years, your many dragon tutors decided that you no longer needed to study under them and that you were free to go anywhere you liked. You chose to mask your face using magic because 1. You had the power to mask yourself for weeks without running out of an inch of magic power and 2. You had a very prominent scar on your neck from when you had fallen on a fence when you still had a proper family. Anyone would know who you were from the several year old wanted posters hanging around towns. Before Elementa. If you thought about it Elementa was your family, after all, family never give up trying to find each other, right?

You led a cycle insignificant life after your time with the dragons. You learnt every single dragon had disappeared on July 7, year 777. Not like any of them really mattered to you. Only Elementa mattered and she was gone, trapped in the darkness of eternal sleep. 13 years passed and your 18th birthday came around. 13 years without a REAL family. 11 years by yourself. You had decided to travel no matter what. Your constant masking of your appearance made not even the smallest dent in your magic power supply, so the face you created for yourself was technically your real face. You refused to remove it, even when sleeping. You didn't even know what you looked like underneath it, after all, 11 years with one face, it becomes natural to look in the mirror and see the mask looking back.

18 years old. Your older brother LAXUS would be 23 years old. Not that he mattered to you anymore. He gave up just like the rest of them. You should have hated him, but deep inside you missed him. You wondered how he had changed growing up without his sister...

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