Chapter 2: Germany

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Germany is absolutely amazing. There are lots of people, trees, buildings, bushes, I even saw somebody walking their German Shepherd. I wonder if they are native to Germany? I shall ask Papa later. And the food is great! I had some soup which i heard is what people ate in the 1940's during World War II. People then didn't like it but i thought it was absolutely amazing.

We visited the Anne Frank School. We also visited where the Franks hid during the war. Amazing. There were rows and rows of houses. "So how are you liking Germany, Amelia?" Papa asked. "Ich liebe Deutschland!" i said with stars in my eyes.

"Gut, good." Papa said.

I asked Papa if German shepherds were native to Deutschland (Germany) and he said yes they are. Deutsch shepherds were used during World War II. They are absolutely beautiful. With their big fluffy bodies. Their black saddle are adorable. German shepherds are also very smart and loyal. They usually are used as cop dogs because of their smartness. They learn to do things very quickly. "Ich liebe Deutsch Schäferhunde" I suddenly said.

"I'm sorry dear, what did you say?" Mommy asked. I said it a little louder this time. "Ich liebe Deutsch Schäferhunde."

"Precious, Papa is getting ice cream right now and I don't know German. Sweetie you know that." Mommy replied irritably. Though she tried not to show it since it's my birthday and we are in Deutschland.

"I said 'I love German shepherds.' " Now I was just plain annoyed. would it hurt her to pay a bit of attention when Papa taught me German? i was suggesting saying that to her. I wouldn't get in trouble. But I'm not that Deutsch.

Then a young man who looked be about in his early thirties came up to us and said,

"Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen heute? Schönes Wetter ist es, nicht wahr?"

I understood one word of that, hallo-hello. Thats when my Papa came up and translated what he said.

This young man said "Hello, how are you today? The weather is nice, isn't it?"

"Hallo. Guten morgen." papa said to the strange man.

"Oh, I am so sorry. I did not realize your family did not understand."

"It is okay. My beautiful wife is from Scotland and I am from here. And our daughter Amelia here is learning German right now. She remembers everything I tell her. My wife's name is Bella and I am Emil."

"Bella, that's a beautiful name for a beautiful lady."

"Thank you. and what is your name?" Mama asked.

"My name is Kai." The man said.

"Kai, that's a nice name." Mama said.

"Thank you, madam." Kai said.

"Oh you're welcome." Mama replied back.

"Papa can we go see your mama and papa? I asked.

"Of course we can." Papa replied back.

"Wow you must really love your daughter to take her to your parents house for no reason." Kai said surprised.

"Today is Amelia's birthday. She's five years old today." Papa doesn't like him very much.

"Lass dich schön feiren Amelia Rummel."

"Thank you." I said.

"Well we better get going. Nobody wants a birthday girl getting upset." Daddy said.

"Yes I am sorry. I was on the way to lunch with my fiance and mother."

"Okay well bye. Have fun at lunch! Bye!" We all said. I think I was the loudest.

Finally he's gone. I thought he would never leave. Mama und Papa called Papa's parents for them to pick us up. While we were waiting we got some drinks. Mama and papa got coffee and I got hot chocolate. But, is it just me, or has mama not enjoyed a thing she has eaten or drank? It is as if everything that goes in her belly is nasty.

"Mama, why do you keep making that face every time you eat or drink?"

"What do you mean, sweetie? I haven't been making any faces."

Then my grandparents came up in this really nice car. It was black with what looked like red fire on the sides. These weren't my papa's Mama und Papa. These were mommy's mama and papa.

"Mum, dad, how are you?" Mommy asked when they got out of the car.

Mommy looked a lot like my grandma. Her hair is really long, and thick. She also had really curly hair. Grandpa was the opposite. He had really dark hair that was really short. But they had two things in common: they both had really pale skin and silvery-blue eyes. That confused me.

"Your eyes are silver?"

"Yes, they are." Grandma said.

"Oma, can we go to your house?" I asked.

"What did you just call me?"

"I called you Oma, it means grandma in German."

"Oh, yes, of course you can come over to our house, just know it's in Scotland and you wanted to stay in Germany."

At the house...

"Now remember Amelia, you can go anywhere you want in the house and do whatever you want, except go inside the door with the bat on it." Grandpa(Opa) said.

"But it's my fifth birthday, and I'm German. I can do whatever I want. Including stuff I wouldn't normally be allowed to do." This isn't fair at all. Mama and Papa said I can do whatever I want no matter what it is. I'll just sneak off.

"Mommy! I'm going potty!" Mama and everyone else were downstairs in the living room, I was upstairs by the door with the bat.

I walked up to the door. I was inches away from it. I could see the glowing red symbols on it that I couldn't see before. they looked very weird. then I felt as if I could hear the symbols, as if they were speaking to me. I felt a wind blowing, as if telling me to open the door. So I walked even closer to the door and placed my hand on it. I heard myself say something but I couldn't understand the word coming from my own mouth. Then I pushed the door open and I felt another powerful wind push me in. I am now inside the room.

It is very dark in here. I can't see anything. except for a book. a big, strange looking book on some sort of dark, old timey stand. I turned around and the door I had walked through was gone. I don't know why, but I feel the sudden urge to read the book. Even though I know I can't read. I have the feeling that if I read the book, I'll be able to get out of this creepy room.

So I walked up to the book and I saw the same symbols that I originally saw on the door, on the cover of the book. I heard myself say the same phrase in the strange language yet again and the book opened by itself. As soon as I saw the first page, my mind was filled with more symbols that I had never seen before. But I somehow knew what they meant.

I could smell something. I didn't know what it was, but it smelled good. And my eye feels really weird. I can now see much clearer out of my left eye than I can my right eye.

And then I passed out. When I woke up I was laying in some hallway. I have no clue where I am. I look around and see Mama, Papa, Oma, and Opa running up to me.

"Amelia Angelicka Rummel! Where were you? We've looked everywhere for you!" Oma said.

"I, I went inside the door. The one with the bat. I'm sorry. I know you said not to."

"What? How? And you're still alive? How is that possible? Whatever, it doesn't matter. We have a surprise for you Amelia.

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