Chapter 1:Birthday's

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I am Amelia Rummel. I was born July 1st 1998. The year right now is 2006. And I have been hearing something about next week being my birthday.

It turns out a birthday means that you turn 1 year older. On a certain day and month of the year, you turn a different age. I also learned what a Golden Birthday is. A Golden Birthday is when you turn the age of the day you were born on. Like my birthday is the 1st, so my Golden Birthday was my first birthday.

My mama has been taking me to her work for the past 2 weeks. She has been telling people that my birthday is next week. Everybody has been saying to me,

"Happy early birthday, Amelia." They said it with a big smile on their face and looked me in the eye.

"Say thank you," Mama would say.

"Thank you." I would say after that.

Mama said that her side of the family is Scottish, and Papa's side is German. So my birthday song will be in English and German. I can't wait. All we ever speak is English. But I want to learn German as well. We live in Scotland, but when I go to school Mama agreed with Papa that I could go to a German school on a computer. What I really like is that I am considered a German citizen because I have German descent. I don't really know what that means, but I think it means I am a part of the country Germany's family, even though my Mommy is Scottish.

A lot of people say I look a lot like my Mama. I think it's true. I have her wavy ginger hair. My skin is as pale as hers. Everybody says I look exactly like my Mama. I even have her small nose. I think the only difference between me and Mommy is that my hair goes down to my back. Mama's goes to her shoulders.

I don't look anything like my Daddy though. I asked Daddy why and he said "I guess you got lucky with your Mommy's beauty instead of my ugly looks." Mommy and Daddy say the same thing. Except Mommy doesn't call Daddy ugly. I laugh every time they say that. I've never met a person who says I look like my Daddy. I think it's funny.

1 week later

I am so happy!! It is the day before my birthday and Mommy told me what the Scottish people do for birthdays yesterday. And this morning when I woke up I asked Daddy what the German people do on their birthdays! It has been such an exciting week. Also Daddy has been teaching me some German words so school is a little easier for me. I heard getting an A in school is amazing. So I was to get all A's so Mommy and Daddy are really super duper happy. Oh and because Mommy and Daddy said getting A's are good I asked daddy to teach me some German before I start school on the computer in August. These are some German words I learned.
Goodbye: Auf wiedersehen. Goodnight: Gute nacht.
Good: Gut.
Good morning:
Guten morgen.
Bad: schlecht.
And here are some sentences I've learned.
Hello, how are you? : Hallo, wie geht's dir?
What is your name? : Wie heißt du? My name is... : Mein Name ist...
I am good. : Ich bin gut.
What's for dinner? : Was gibts zum Abendessen?
Are you hungry? : Bist du hungrig?

Mommy told me that we live in the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. Our ancestors were part of the ancient clans. They were Gaelics. They're way of "happy birthday to you", was pronounced "Co-latha-breith sona dhut." I can't wait for tomorrow. It will be so much fun. Speaking some Gaelic and German. I heard everybody in Papa's family will be there. My bestest friend in the whole wide world Anneliese will be there too!

It is finally my birthday! I woke up at six o clock this morning even though I went to bed at 7 o'clock p.m. instead of 8 o'clock. So the first thing I do when I woke up was go run into Mommy and Daddy's room to wake them up. But they weren't there. So I ran into the kitchen and saw Mommy cooking and Daddy sitting at the table reading the newspaper. Then Mommy looked at me and said "Co-latha--breit sona dhut Amelia!"

"Thank you Mama." Then Papa looked up from the newspaper and said, "Lass dich schön feiern!! Let yourself be celebrated well!! My precious Amelia."

"Papa how do you say my precious in German?" Papa smiled and said "Mein Schatz."

"Mein schatz Mama und Papa. My precious Mommy and Daddy." I said after that.

"You are a very precious little girl, Amelia." Mommy said. "Schatz, darling, should we allow our daughter to have a German birthday or a Scottish birthday?" Daddy asked Mommy.

"Hmm, well it is her eighth birthday.. and she is German. So i think she should have a German birthday." Mommy agreed with Papa.

"What do Germans do on their 8th birthday. Daddy?" I asked Papa.

"When somebody German or lives in Germany at that time gets crowned birthday prince or princess and gets to do whatever they want for their eighth birthday. But it only lasts till midnight." Daddy told me.

"Does that mean I can do things I'm not allowed to do without getting in trouble?" I wondered.

"Ja tut es. Aber nur für heute. Yes, it does. But only for today." Daddy answered.

"Ok, thank you for telling me this Papa. How do you say that?" I said curiously.

"Danke, dass du es mir gesagt hast, Papa." Papa smiled.

Then I repeated "Danke, dass du es mir gesagt hast, Papa."

"So, my precious Amelia, what would you like to do today?" Mommy asked me. I thought long and hard about that. Mommy and Papa said I could do whatever I wanted to do today. So after thinking long and hard I finally said

"I want to go to Germany."

"If that's what you want to do then we have to do it." Papa said.

"It turns out a flight takes off in about 30 minutes and we live 10 minutes away plus I have three free passes so lets go." Mommy said.

I asked if Annaliese could come with us too but her parents said no but that I could come over and have a birthday cake with her once we get back from Germany. Annaliese made me promise I would take lots of pictures to show her when I get back. It's really too bad she can't come.

Almost two hours later we were in Germany. It was beautiful. Everywhere there were people and buildings. There were also trees and bushes around every corner. Already I love it. I feel so at home here. Maybe that's because my Papa was born in Germany and so was I.

The Awakening Series: Splitحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن