Street Rats 9

145 6 7

And now, for tonight's main event.






(Spaces so your eyes don't immediately wander to the text. You gotta wait for this one.)









I felt myself yell, bounding upstream to where he lay. The water had washed away most of the blood that might have originally matted his fur. Hot tears stung my eyes and I gazed into his, a soft brown and staring out into nothing. His face was an amused sneer, almost as if he had expected this. A sob rose in my throat. Why him? Why now? My mind was racing, grasping for something solid to cling to. Something to remember that he was really there. But it was all slipping though my grasp. Everything. Nothing remained when I collapsed, burrying my face into his fur. My tears flowed freely now as I drew in his scent. I felt someone try to pull me away, but I just pressed deeper into his fur. The others couldn't see me cry. Flash....

Flash. The name slipped though my mind, and I snarled. My tears dried as I felt my fur growing hot. I stood, gazing aroung at the others surrounding me. Sure enough, he was there. Watching me, almost concerned. His little Glaceon wasn't there.

"Riza." I said, not taking my eyes off of him. "Who found him here?"

"F-Flash did." She mumbled, nervously shuffling. I looked down at the body at my paws. My best friend taken from me. Riza draped her wing over my shoulder, but I shook it off. I looked up, locking eyes with Flash. He flinched and tried to stumble away, but in my rage, I was much faster. Closing the distance in a second, I grabbed the bandana he had begun wearing around his neck and yanked in to the side. This knocked the paws out from under him as he sprawled in the mud on his back. Someone shriekd, but my snarl drowned them out. His eyes were wide with panic. He could see the accusations in my eyes and whimpered.

"Did you do this?" I snarled, my jaws close to his ear. So close that he was the only one who heard.

"N-n-n-n-no! I just found him I swear!" He cried, struggling to escape. I pressed a paw closer to his throat, which caused him to stop struggling.

"Good." I snarled. "Because if you had, you wouldn't see tomorrow." I let him up and he darted off. The others around us followed him with their eyes as he fled through the undergrowth. I turned, looking back to where Jakk's body lay. I sighed and began to observe the area around is. There were no distinct footprints in the mud. No scent left by the water. I still couldn't believe he was gone.

"Shenzi, we found some footprints further out in the woods, but we don't know what kind they are." It was Tremor talking. He had apparently been the closest when Flash had gone running.

"Did you notify the guild on this matter?" I asked, meaning the mysterious death of my comrade.

"No." He was silent for a moment. "We figured you would want to investigate this matter yourself."

"Good. Riza, go fetch Flash. We have a trip to take into town."

"Yes, Shenzi." Riza said, and flew off. Once she was out of sight, I began my journey back to the village. I hadn't been since the day of my arrest, and I was sure the population had forgotten about me. Besides, I was simply one little criminal in a population on many. Regretably, this was not the case.

Upon arriving in the outskirts of town, we were suprised to run across a rescue team setting off for a mission. I had met the others back just a few paces, and Flash was still worried I was going to eat him or something. The others were sure this was a disaster, but I saw it as a stroke of luck. It was a little team, consisting of a Torchic, a Mudkip, and a Treeko. This must have been their fist mission, because they were carrying few supplies. Their shiny new badges bore the name "Team Element"- a fitting name for their trio. When they looked up, I bounded from the woods and into their line of sight. I didn't even realize that it might be good to stop and think before bounding out in front of a brinze-ranked rescue team, being a gold-ranked criminal. Oops.

Needless to say, the little Treeko wasn't on his feet very long, and the Torchic was set to work waking up her fainted friend. I hadn't even moved from the spot where I landed.

"Halt, ruffian!" the Mudkip said, stepping up and puffing out his chest. I guessed he was the leader of this team. "I am the leader of this rescue team!" yup. "I have come to stop you from commiting your evil deeds!" WIth that he lept into battle with unsuprising sluggishness. I sighed, allowing him to plow into me. "Super special awesome move! GO!" he yelled as he rolled over me. I sat up as he jumped, his body enclosed in water. His head made contact with the base of my horns, and though I didn't intend it, I think I knocked the poor fellow out. By then the torchic was up and rushed to the aid of her friend. Soon, all three were standing over my and i was mpaning in mock surrender. I could hear my comrades snickering from the bushes.

"Please! Take me away!" I said while dramaticly throwing my paws into the air. "Take me to your leader!"

"With pleasure!" the Mudkip said, so I rolled over and let them take me away. My comrades followed me through the woods until we were out of that area. Then they followed from a distance. My master plan was well under way......


"Welcome to the guild!" the torchic said, watching as the treeko ran off to greet another team. I could hear the whispers starting already. Suprise. Insecurity. Confusion. What's she doing here? How did they catch her? How did she let them? I chuckled to myself, watching the area around me. We were heading toward the guildmasters room when I saw the registration desk. Here it was, the home stretch. I bolted. The crowd parted easily. Who would want to be in the way when a raging villian went running. I stopped at the registration desk, and barked, "I wish to start a rescue team!" there were gasps all around, two very distinctive coming from the doorway. Riza and Flash. Oh yea, things were about to get crazy.


Do you hate me? :3 I'm sorry. I was sad that you were all getting so attatched to him, because that was the reason I made him. Don't worry, i'll make it up to you.... somehow....


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