Street Rats 8.5

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Here we are once again!


I yawned, stretching and scratching at an itch at the base of my horns. I hadn't realized I had fallen alseep, but apparently I had. It was just before dawn, and I felt uplifted as the fresh morning air filled my lungs. It wasn't cold, but I could still see my breath. There was a crisp layer of frost that crunched beneith my paws as I rose from my spot on the porch. Jakk was laying not far off, curled up in a soft white mound. I smiled and, pressing my belly against the ground, began to to slowly crawl over to where he lay. He was sleeping so peacefully, I almost felt bad. But my mischeif got the better, and I pounced. THUD! I landed with all four paws on his side, hearing his breath giving a satisfying WOOSH and it escaped. He squealed in a mix of pain and suprise, throwing me off and gasping for breath.

"GOOD MORNING!" I barked happily into his ear, jumping to my paws and staring at him with wide eyes. His breath was still coming in ragged gasps. Note to self- wake them up BEFORE you knock the breath out of them. I wasn't phased though, I felt myself grinning from ear to ear. When he had finally caught his breath, he looked up at the sky. The sun was just coming up, an he sighed.

"We should get going..."

"I guess..." I mumbled, turning and bounding back through the doorway. "C'mon!"

It wasn't long until we had made it back down the tree and were well on our way down the trail. We were laughing, as Jakk's clumsy paws had caused him to trip into a mud puddle.

"Shenz!" I heard someone calling. "Shenz!" looking around, I saw Flash bounding through the bushes towards us. He gazed warily at Jakk, and that sat my eyes alight.

"What do you want?" I snarled as we kept walking, purposefully taking longer trails that were only wide enough for two people.

"I wanted to talk to you. Why don't we hang out anymore? When are you free?"

I snorted. "Why don't I hang out? That's your fault!"

"My fault?" He echoed.

"Yes. We wouldn't have had this problem if you would have just ignored HER!" It was't until Flash drew closer did I realized Jakk had slipped away. We werre now standing in the middle of a small clearing, the dust kicked up by our paws slowly settling.

"I didn't know you were coming back!"

"You didn't even try to help me!"

"Why would I!?"

"I saved you!"

"Saved ME? I thought you were just playing there hero!"


"Oh FLAAAASH!" the bushes to his left rustled, and out popped the little glaceon. She tackled him, grinning brightly. "There you are my little Flashy! I was wondering where you ran off to!"

"Well, you're obviously busy..." I sneered, turning and prowling off.

"What! Shenz!" He cried, the distress in his voice clear. I didn't turn around........

It's been months now.... I thought as I played the scene over in my mind. Months of laughing and playing. Jakk's goofy smile flashed in my mind, and I sighed contently.

"SHENZI!" Riza burst into the room, her eyes wide in panic. "COME QUICK!"

I bounded to my paws, pelt standing on end. It was unlike Riza to get so worked up. If something had happened, it had to be bad. Really. REALLY. Bad. Without a sencind look or even another look, she turned and hopped off. Her wingspan was suprisingly large, and thus could not fit in the tunnel to my den. I had no choice but to follow, pelting into the darkness that had almost entirely enveloped her...........

I was panting by the time we reached the exit to the caves, but Riza took off without hesitation and soon I was having trouble keeping pace. Dodging briars, tearing through brambles, I was bleeding in several places. My paws ached, but I kept going. We were getting deeper and deeper into the woods now, and it was becoming harder to see Riza. I felt overjoyed when I finally saw the light to a clearing. It was when I bust into that clearing that my stomach plummeted. Blood. Everywhere. It plugged up my nose with its putrid scent. I could take the metalic tang. I could almost feel it washing over me, but it was just the stream at my paws. The stream that carried the blood to the lake... the lake that now ran red.


MUAHAHAHAHA! That was my evil author laugh, just fyi. So? Anyone catch the Warriors reference? It was going to be in the next chapter, but whatever. Tried to cut this one off like EIGHT BILLION TIMES but then my mind was like "oh, add this! oh, add that!" and everything I had been working on for the next chapter ended up here. Thx for all the fans and such guys! I appreciate you all! - Glare

Street Rats (Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя