Ch. 7//Way 2

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                            ---- Casey's POV----
I walked out to the car and grabbed the 5 bags from dollar general, my wallet, and my hover board. I was walking in when I ran into someone which made me drop all my bags and my hover board. I quickly said "omg!! I'm so sorry that was completely my fault!!" She looked at me and said "no that was totally my fault. I'm sorry. And just asking are you Brandon and Hunter's best friend Casey?"
I smiled at her and said "yep that's me. I'm Casey and I was getting all this for the boys." "Why are you here?"
She said her sister was here and she got bored so I told her she could hang out with me. She said her name was Maggie, and she has 3 sisters and 2 brothers. We had small talk and when we reached the door I walked in first then let her in. She was really pretty. She has a nose ring, Brunette, long hair, a beanie on, and a white t- shirt with black leggings.
  We walked up to Hunter, Blake, and Brandon. They all stood there with smiles on there face like they're going to get to ride a unicorn while eating rainbow ice cream and getting rich off the in the bottom of it. I looked at them weird about to ask what was going on when Cameron came and yelled "quick Casey on the stage now!!"
I looked at him weird and shook my head then sprinted towards the door. I opened it and went towards the bathroom. I ran in the bathroom and I could hear Cameron saying things like 'let me in' ' come on Casey' but one got me when he said "alright I'm coming in." I saw the door open and he walked in and grabbed my arms. I sat on the ground.
Well he just dragged me from the bathroom to the stage door. He picked me up and I saw Brandon mouth 'introduce yourself that's all you have to do' I nodded and smiled blew him a kiss but flicked him off and Hunter laughed a him.
Cameron set me down and I nervously walked out onto the stage. I grabbed the mic and said "hi I'm Casey." I was about to walk off stage when I heard someone yelling my name. I whipped around real fast and saw Jay my brother. He ran and jumped on stage. I ran to him and jumped up into his arms. He spun me around and I started to cry. He put me down and every one was cheering. He wiped my tears away quickly and we had to get off stage. I was so happy to see him. It's been 2 years and he's standing in front of me.
For the next 20 min we talked and then I remembered that I had gifts for the boys. I ran up to my new best friend Maggie and pulled her over to my brother. She smiled at him and he smiled back. I looked at Jay and said "this is my new best friend, Maggie." He nodded his head and I asked Maggie for the bags. She handed them to me and we started walking to where half the boys were. I smiled and looked at Taylor.
"Here you go" I threw two bags of candy at him.
Then Blake. Then Chris. Then Hunter. Then Brandon. Then Trey.
I walked away and went to the other boys and gave them each two bags of candy. I threw Aaron two. Mahogany two. Christian two. Willie two. And I looked at Cameron. He smiled at me. I smiled back and walked away.
Maggie laughed at him, waved, and followed me. Cam screamed "gimme my candy!!" I burst out laughing along with Maggie. I fell on the floor because someone tackled me. They started tickling my sides. Then reached for the candy. But I yelled "Brandon!! Get the candy and let no one have it!!" I threw the candy at him and cam hit up and chased Brandon. I got up too.
Brandon gave the candy to Hunter and Hunter gave it to Blake. Blake got scared and threw it to Aaron. Aaron looked at Cameron. I looked at him and said "Aaron don't give it to him." He smiled at me and gave cam the bag. I sighed and sat on the floor. I was tired. Cam came and gave me a hug. I hugged him back but sat back down.
Maggie sat next to me and Brandon walked over. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down. I didn't let go of his hand and I put my head in his shoulder. I said "I'm tired Brandon. I think I'm about to go back to the hotel. He nodded his head and I asked, "Maggie do you have to go home or can you stay at the hotel with me?"
"Well my parents have to pick my sister up but I can ask if I can stay with you and your family for a couple weeks."
I just nodded and stood up. I grabbed Maggie's hand and pulled her up. Brandon said he had to go on stage now. I said bye and told him I'd see him tomorrow morning. I ran and hugged Hunter too. I hugged Blake and Cam too. Then I ran to Jay. I hugged him and asked "can you take us back to the hotel?"
  He looked at me and Maggie. We just smiled and he nodded. I laughed and hooked arms with Maggie. We ran to his car and got in the back. I didn't want to sit in front. But we did jam to JB and Drake. It was fun.
  I was jammin out until I hit a text. I looked at my phone and it was from 'Jason😍👅💦💦' I opened the text and it said 'hey babe, why aren't you going to school?'
I replied 'why do you care? And 1.) I don't want to go because my best friends hate me. 2.) I'm on tour with my other best friends.'
We pulled into the parking lot and I quickly texted him and said 'I gtg I'll text you tomorrow ig.' I shut my phone off and got out. Jay and Maggie were talking and I was walking behind them.

               Third wheel I guess.

We got in the hotel and I sat on the bench. I was looking at the ground thinking when someone said my name. I looked up and came face to face with Colton and Ashly holding hands.

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