Hendricks 17: The Final Chapter

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Hendricks woke up in a small white room, lights shining right in his face making it hard to see. He tried to move but his hand and legs were strapped down. Hendricks bent his neck to look down at his body and he saw that he was stripped down and a gown was put on him, tubes ran around him as an IV bag pumped something into his arm.

"Corporal Hendricks, Peter, service number 36-781-993, what was your mission?" A voice boomed from a speaker in the far corner.

"Why am I being interrogated?" Hendricks demanded as he pushed against the bonds, a small jolt of electricity went up Hendricks spine and he tensed.

"What was your mission?" The voice demanded again.

"It was a standard reconnaissance mission."

"Then why were you in the forbidden land with an AWOL soldier?" The voice questioned, Hendricks tried to piece everything together.

"Our lieutenant, Katherine Gray, she was looking for her father." Hendricks said, there was a long pause of silence.

"So your squad did not complete their mission?"

"No we did complete it."

"Then why was the lieutenant looking for her father? Why has your squad been gone for three weeks, where is the rest of your squad?" The voice demanded as above spark of electricity went up Hendricks spine.

"They are all dead."

"Did Katherine Gray kill them for disobeying orders?"


"Then why do I have a report in front of me saying that she went rogue? When your squad was last seen in your bunker there were three of you including the AWOL soldier Azira."

"Allen was killed when we got to the beacon, we got overrun so we were forced to split up. Aziras brother rescued me and Gray as she rescued Tanner and Kingsley."

"What happened to Kingsley and Aziras brother?" The voice questioned, Hendricks bit his tongue in rage, resisting the urge to demand to be released.

"Kingsley shot and killed Nico as we were escaping in a bus, Kingsley was about to kill Azira when Gray shot her."

"So Katherine Gray killed your squad mate?"

"Yes but it was..."

"I don't care for excuses corporal." The voice said, cutting him off. "What happened next?"

"We went to the bunker where we met William, after that we went to a bunker further underground to investigate a distress, we were too late. Gray saw some footage of her father and got upset, she showed that she was bit and then she left through a tunnel system, collapsing it behind her."

"So she did go rogue?" The investigator ask, Hendricks held back a curse.

"She did what she thought was right."

"What happened after that incident Corporal?"

"We climbed down to the bottom of the chasm, but we disturbed some of the mutants and they attacked and killed Tanner. After that me and Azira went back to the surface and went to track down Gray."

"How did that bring you to the forbidden land?"

"She said something about her father being here, when we got to that area Azira saw a S.O.S signal while I was asleep and she went to investigate."

"So Azira went to the building, murdered Gray and her father?" The investigator asked, Hendricks shook his head.

"No, I got there and she was being attacked, I and she killed what was attacking her."

"And what was this exactly?" The investigator pressured, Hendricks tried to remember what happened. How he went into the building and saw something jumping at Azira, he swung a 2X4 but he didn't realize what it was, all he saw was sand and darkness until they started to shoot then he saw a fury.

"It was a fury, but Azira said...."

"Yes yes we know, Azira said that it was Lieutenant Katherine Gray that she somehow mutated."

"That's the truth." Hendricks demanded as he prepared for another shock of electricity but it didn't happen. Hendricks could hear a little bit of commotion over the speaker for a bit then it went back to being quiet.

"Hendricks, Azira lied to you." Grays voice came through the speaker loud and clear. "Yes I was at the bunker with you guys but I didn't go to the forbidden land, when a team went and retrieved you and Azira's body there was a syringe in her pocket."

"She drugged me?!" Hendricks was furious at the thought but Gray was speaking to him, alive and well and no fury.

"The drug made it so you were more susceptible to influence, she could morph how you perceive certain things, and how she did it we don't quite understand ourselves." Gray said over the intercom, Hendricks mind was buzzing and flying around.

"What about the bomb Azira armed, where are we?"

"We are in a base on the surface, the bomb blew up what bunkers remained but luckily I gave word to the council that we need to evacuate to the surface." Gray said as silence fell over the microphone after a while of silence Hendricks heard it shut off then the sound of keys jingling in a lock behind him. The door opened and Gray came into view from behind Hendricks's chair.

"Azira used us to blow up the bunkers, she's the one that killed my father, he was attempting to deconstruct the bomb but Azira stopped him. After that a fury attacked her, when you guys went upstairs and activated the bomb it release tremors to the underground collapsing the bunkers. Azira then used the drug she pumped into your arm to alter our memories, she had her own agenda and she completed her mission." Gray said as she begun to untie the bonds on Hendricks arm.

"At the bunker what did you do?" Hendricks asked, Gray turned her body so the camera couldn't see her face.

"I confronted William and he brought me to the Capitol, the medication Azira was talking about, that was true, it was a cure for the mutation but it doesn't turn you into the furies, it will just slowly kill your brain. After that the Capitol asked me pretty much the same questions as you and they told me about Azira and I told them they know where my father is so the bunkers did an emergency evacuation but not everyone made it."

"Where's Azira now?" Hendricks asked, Gray shook her head.

"The Capitol wants us to take care of her."

"Wait they want us to kill her?" Hendricks said in shock, Gray lowered her head even more.

"The Capitol wants us to hunt her down and do what needs to be done, either bring her in or permanently stop her." Gray said as she helped Hendricks up.

"We have no choice do we?" Hendricks muttered, Gray gabbed his shoulders and stared into his eyes.

"We always have a way Peter, William is waiting for us at the armory, let's get going."

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