Azira 15: Compound

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Hendricks started to walk towards the north, stepping over rubble, the ground still trembled slightly as the caverns below caved in.

"Have you completely lost it?! You can't honestly trust her right now, she was bit just like Kingsley!" Azira shouted as she grabbed Hendricks shoulder and he pushed her away.

"We look out for each other no matter what, we're all in this together. If you want to go back underground and be stuck in a bunker that isn't defended as good as it should be go right ahead. You have seen what these creatures can do, they will not stop." Hendricks said as he trudged forward, Azira gazed at the small rocks shaking slightly as they slowly stopped indicating the chasm has finished caving in.

"Your right okay? Maybe it's not as defended as it should be but there are people down there that can use our help." Hendricks stopped and muttered something under his breath.

"I'm going with or without you, I've made my mind now it's time to make up yours." He said as he turned to face Azira. Azira gazed pass Hendricks staring into the ruined surface of crumbled buildings and the dust in the air making it hard to see what all is awaits if they keep heading north.

"Then let's go, keep your weapon ready." Azira said as she walked past Hendricks.

"There's a forward base of operations nearby, there should be ammunition and maybe a vehicle if we are lucky." Azira said, Hendricks shook his head.

"We don't have time to make a pit stop."

"Well if we are going to do this we may as well do it right?" Azira muttered as she stared at Hendricks. "Just arguing about his is wasting time, if we get a vehicle we will get to the tower a whole lot faster." She said, Hendricks motioned her to lead the way and they started to walk pass the rubble.

. . . . . . .

Azira gazed at the abandoned outpost as it seemed to look down on her. The walls were twenty feet high, lined with barbed wire a huge gate used as the main entrance. Sandbags lined on the left and right sides of the gate with dismembered bodies lying around, a soldier died while shooting the mounted gun as his remains were clinging to the handles. Hendricks swallowed hard as he stared at the gate, dented and bloody, but locked.

"Well so much for that." Hendricks said "let's go before something comes out of there." Hendricks said as he began to turn around but Azira grabbed his arm and rooted through her pocket and pulled out a key.

"Please tell me we aren't actually going to go in there." Hendricks muttered but Azira dragged him towards the gate.

"We need supplies, besides these bodies are long since dead, let's get what we need and get out of here." Azira said as she attempted to unlock the gate without any luck, Hendricks pulled Azira aside and shot the lock.

"We have thirty minutes and I'm leaving I don't trust this place." Hendricks said as he pushed open the gate, the metal scratching on the ground. Azira and Hendricks walked into an open courtyard, Azira pointed to the far side of the courtyard.

"That use to be the armory let's see what's there." She said as she started to walk across the courtyard, Hendricks stared around at the shadows and the other buildings. He approached a vehicle and checked the door but it was locked.

"No not these vehicles, come with me." Azira said as she walked over the armory and kicked the door until it opened. Azira and Hendricks walked in with their guns ready and Hendricks whistled as he gawked at the equipment.

"You guys were set up." He said as he moved his hand along a sniper rifle.

"Over here." Azira called as she pulled a tarp off of an armored jeep.

"Grab what you can and put it in the back, I'll be right back." Azira said as she left the armory and walked to a command center. Azira opened the door and checked the corners quickly and when she seemed it safe she walked to the far wall and pulled a cord on a generator which started up with a loud mechanical groan. Lights shot to life all around the building and the facility. Azira walked over to a wall behind a desk and flicked a switch, the wall lite up, small lights flickering as the map of the underground bunkers bathed her face in red light. Azira trembled as she saw how many bunkers have been destroyed in the past day. A horn honked from outside and Azira peered out the door and saw Hendricks in the jeep. Azira approached the jeep and stopped in her tracks as the ground began to shake. Hendricks looked at Azira started and the walled of the compound cracked.

"Come on get in!" Hendricks shouted, Azira raced to the jeep and jumped into the gunner seat in the middle and looked at the cracked wall just as it buckled and collapsed. Standing in the rubble was a creature seventeen feet tall, bulky red arms, its head was a mishap of metal flesh and bone. Its chest was riddled with burns and patches of fur, protruding out of its back were long spikes, talons for finger as long as Azira. The creature stared at the sky and roared as it began to walk toward the jeep.

"Go go go!" Azira shouted as she began to shoot the creature which stunned it at first but then it let out another bellow, got on all fours and began to run towards the jeep.

"Faster hurry!" Azira shouted over the roar of the gun.

"Trying!" Hendricks shouted back, the jeep crashed through the gate running over various dead bodies. Azira ducked down to the back seat of the jeep and grabbed a grenade launcher. Azira came back out of the whole and shot at the building exterior walls and it collapsed onto the beast but it seemed to only I rage it as it started to run faster. "I have an idea go back to the city!" Azira shouted as she put the grenade launcher back in the jeep and began to shoot the beast with the machine gun.

"Going to get bumpy!" Hendricks waned as they started to hit the rubble, Hendricks floored the gas giving a few extra feet between the jeep and the beast. Azira looked over her shoulder and saw the grate where the emerged, Azira ducked back into the jeep and grabbed a handful of grenades and the grenade launcher and through the grenades onto the ground.

"Stop!" Azira demanded as Hendricks slammed on the brakes and Azira waited a few seconds then shot the rest of the grenades from the grenade launched to where she threw the grenades. The ground began to fall apart with the beast but the sinkhole began to grow bigger than expected.

"Go go go!" Azira screamed.

"Make up your damn mind!" Hendricks yelled back as he slammed on the gas which made Azira bag into the side of the machine gun, the grenade launcher flying out of her heads as she lost her grip. Azira swore under her voice as she ducked back into the jeep holding her stomach.

"Let's get out of here." Azira said, Hendricks nodded in agreement as he drove back out of the city headed towards he forbidden territory.

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