Gray 11: Cable Cars

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Gray stood in the cart with the others as she looked at how well armed they all were it made her feel a bit safer. Gray looked over at William and he put his hand over a switch.

"You be safe out there, okay Katherine?" William said as he pressed the green button and gears began to shift and the cart began to move with the wire. Gray watched as William got farther and farther away. Azira lite the lamp in the middle of the cart with a match which placed a ghostly shadow onto everyone's face.

"So, Vixen, New World Order headquarters." Hendricks said trying to break the silence but no one was in a talkative mood. Gray kept her eyes towards the front of the cart looking for any signs of anything but her saw nothing. The cart slowly swayed as the cable slowly brought it across the chasm to yet another bunker.

"How long do you think it will take to travel to Vixen?" Tanner asked as he was twirling a knife in his hand, Azira tilted her head up to look at the cable.

"Judging from the speed of this cart, we will get to the next bunker in approximately thirty minutes, after that we take the tunnel system to work through the other bunkers slowly getting to Vixen." She said as she slid down the side of the cart and sat down.

"Thank you, for what you said about Nico and how you're going to honor his memory, you are a good person Hendricks." Hendricks started to blush and looked back to the direction the cart was traveling.

"Gray what do you think that means?" He asked as he pointed towards a flashing light which was flashing SOS.

"Get ready people, they may need our help." Gray said as she took her gun off her shoulder, Azira stood up and sighed.

"If there is anyone left to help." Azira said as she took a pistol off her side, Gray pushed the thought of what she said aside and stared at the platform the cart was slowly approaching. The cart began to shake violently and everyone gripped the bars inside the cart, the wire shaking violently.

"What is going on?!" Hendricks demanded as his grip slipped slightly and his back leaned over the side and his eyes went wide.

"Guys we got company!" He yelled as he took his gun and started to shoot up, Gray turned on her light and aimed it up at the wire and saw screechers swarming and clawing the wire.

"There's too many hang on!" Gray shouted as the cart tilted to the side, Gray looked over at the platform and saw how close it was.

"When I say now, jump and grab the wire!" Gray shouted as she shoulders her rifle.

"Are you nuts?!" Hendricks demanded and Gray thought that maybe she was but they needed crazy. She looked back at the platform and looked back up and saw the wire as about to snap.

"Now!" She shouted as they all jumped up and grabbed the wire making it snap from the weight, the cart went flying down towards the chasm as the chord whipped over to the platform.

"We're not going to make it!" Azira screamed.

"We have to!" Gray shouted back as the thick wiring flew through the air and it reached the farthest point and it was about to go back down but Gray jumped and grabbed onto the platform and the rest jumped. Gray brought herself up into the platform and saw the rest climbing up the side using the metal X structure. Gray turned around looking for something to help bring them up but saw something glint at the bunker entrance, a shadow flickered then disappeared. She looked back down and saw that they were almost climbed to the top now, Gray reached down and Azira took her hand helping her up.

"You stay here and help them up, I saw something running away." Gray said as she ran towards the end of the platform not letting Azira say a word. Gray busted through the door and entered complete darkness, she turned on her flashlight and saw a small generator in the corner and she started to pump it. As the power slowly flickered on she let go of the pump and opened a door into another part of the bunker and she could tell it was a part built by the occupants. The area was wide with doors and ladders as long with catwalks, Gray looked around trying to find what she saw but all she did see were bodies, mostly human. The line of defense was broken and this was many of the bunkers that have taken the hit because of it.

"Who knows how far the creatures got." Azira said from behind Gray, Gray brushed her sides off and stared up at what looked to be a watch tower, she saw the glint of light yet again.

"You guys move out and look for any survivors but be prepared for anything." She said as she climbed up the staircase leading to a catwalk, the light kept glinting, more as Gray got closer. She approached the end of the catwalk and walked towards the door, the light stopped and Gray readied her gun, prepared for anything. Gray grabbed the handle of the door and slowly opened it, she entered the room and aimed her gun everywhere but there was nothing. Her eyes focused on a screen that was flashing, she pressed a button next to the screen and a video started to play. A man was walking down a tunnel and a metal door began to open, lights flashed on and soldiers came out of the door.

"Get down now!" The soldiers yelled, the man knelt and put his hands above his head, a mask was disguising his face and he was wearing dark brown gear with a cloaked hood.

"I wish to speak to William Flaine." The man called out, Gray gripped the table as she heard the voice. One of the soldiers lowered his weapon.

"Do you mean Lieutenant William?" The soldier asked, the man in the hood nodded, the soldier retreated back into the bunker and William came out.

"Go inside men." He said as he waved them off, William looked at the man as the door slowly closed.

"What do you want?" William demanded.

"For you to listen to me for once in your life William!" The man shouted as he stood up, William aimed his gun at him.

"You left us here long ago, you left her here! I won't listen to you, what you put her through, what you put all of us through. You made me help you, made me think it was for a good reason." William yelled, his voice breaking.

"William you are just as stubborn as you're father! Now is the time I warned you about, I told you I will returned and you have to now listen to me. They are coming here and will attack without any mercy, these creatures are beasts nothing else. I left this place yes, but I had to, I had to go into the unexplored lands and search for answers."

"Shut up, you don't know anything! You left us here to die fifteen years ago, go back to your hole." William shouted, the man took a step forward and William cocked his gun.

"Don't make me do it." William said, nearly in tears.

"I told you I would come back and I did, we need to get out of here, it's safe with enough people we just need to let them in here." The man took another step forward and William shot in front of where the man stood.

"We have tried and they didn't survive, let the beasts come I have my orders."

"You're a weapon, show you're humanity damn it."

"I am not a weapon I am a soldier, and I obey orders. This is our life now, if they come they won't get far trust me on that."

"At least tell me about her, is she safe?" The man asked, William lowered his arm slightly.

"She is no daughter to you Michael, now leave and never show your face again." William said as he pressed a button and a buzzer sounded and the door began to open.

"You'll regret this lieutenant." Michael said as he turned around and began to walk down the tunnel.

Gray stared at the screen as the words popped up. (End of Surveillance Entry number 17, squad: Unknown). Azira walked into the room and looked at Gray and saw she was crying.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she put her hand on Gray's shoulder, Gray continued to stare at the screen.

"He is alive..." Gray said as she took a deep breath in. "My father is still alive."

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