Gray 12: Discoveries

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Gray stared at the screen as she played it again, Azira, Hendricks and Tanner gathered around behind Gray observing the screen. As the recording faded to black Gray sat down and put her face into her hands.

"Well that was quite unexpected." Tanner said quietly, Azira turned and hit him in the arm.

"So what do we do now?" Hendricks asked as he propped himself up onto the console for a seat. Azira looked at Gray and shook her head.

"Could we have a second?" Azira asked as she looked back at Hendricks and Tanner and they quietly left the room.

"We have to talk to William." Azira said as she stared at Gray, she raised her head so her chin was on her palms.

"It won't be easy for him to listen, he probably has found our dog tags and thinks we deserted." Gray said as she stared at the screen, it flashing "end of transmission". Azira took a wrench on the floor and smashed the screen, Gray jumped slightly and looked up at Azira.

"Then we make him listen, you have the right to know, he picked the weapon in him over your friendship." Azira said, Gray lowered her head into her palms again and Azira knelt down in front of Gray and put her hand on Grays arm.

"We have to figure this all out, it's obvious your father knew something." Azira said cautiously as she tried to pull Grays hands from her face.

"His gun, I found it in his hand just a few years ago, I was seventeen and William was nineteen, his gun was in his hand, blood was everywhere and dog tags were in his other hand." Gray said as she looked up at the screen, tears coming down her face.

"It was his dog tags, he or the person that he made to take his place, was killed by one of the furies. Any sign of recognition was impossible except for the dog tags and a note, the note was in my father's writing and it was for me." Gray said as she took out her gun and snapped off the side grip and a paper fell out. Azira picked up the paper and began to unfold it and Gray began to speak what was written.

"Katie, sweetie, if you are reading this then I must of passed now fighting the war on the other side. I fought to keep you safe and now that I am gone William will keep you safe, you must listen to him. To you I give you my sidearm, may not be much of my love but it's the last effort for me to protect you, use it in self-defense and be careful what path you choose. Do not follow in my footsteps, do not become a weapon of war but become a protector, a soldier, what the world deserves, not what they think they need. Stay safe Katherine Elizabeth Gray, I love you." Gray finished what was on the note and broke into tears, Azira knelt next to her and put her around Gray's shoulder.

"So that's why you're so upset about shooting Kingsley." Azira said as Gray put the note back into the side panel of the pistol.

"We need to get back to William, we need to find out what my father meant and why all of this is happening." Gray said as she stood up and picked up her rifle and wiped the tears off her face.

"Round them up, tell them to meet me at the gate." Gray said as she walked out of the tower and headed to the gate which had a gaping hole in it and dead soldiers were everywhere, defending the last man. Gray shined her light down the tunnel and looked next to the gate and saw a rough drawing of the underground bunker system. Where a bunker was they light was solid green, but Gray got a sinking feeling when she saw many lights were out and more blinking faster and faster and going out.

"They got to the other bunkers..." Hendricks muttered as he gazed over Gray's shoulder, Gray fell down onto the dust and dirt covered floor and threw the rifle down to her feet.

"What now." Tanner choked out, Azira walked up to the map and flicked the center dot that was the brightest out of all of them.

"They have to evacuate to above ground, that's the only chance they have. The furies are splitting up and must be more coming in to have this many bunkers being overrun." Azira shook her head and looked back at Gray.

"Don't you say it?" Gray said as she stared into Azira's eyes reading her mind, Hendricks took a step forward.

"For us who don't know what the hell you guys are telepathically speaking about, don't say what?" Hendricks said as he stared at Gray as she was digging the heel of her boot into the ground.

"We need to go back to William, from there we have to get answers and go back to the surface and find Michael." Azira said as if it was a very easy plan, Gray stared at the map and saw the red lines that use to indicate the lifts were now faded indicating their destruction.

"We will need to take the long way through two or three other bunkers, we may be lucky and find a transport but who know how dangerous it will be." Gray muttered as she kicked the dirt in anger and stood up.

"Gray, are you okay?" Hendricks asked cautiously, Gray looked over at Hendricks with a look that made him step back.

"What the hell do you think?" She demanded as she pointed at the hole in the gate "This, all these deaths, it's all because of my Father and Michael..." Gray shouted as she looked down and her eyes began to water. "My friend....." Gray sobbed as she ripped her holster off her thigh and threw it away from the group.

"Gray..." Azira said quietly as she took a step forward.

"I trusted them, I trusted him, He was with me when my mother died, and we kept each other safe. We were always inseparable, we were a team, me him and my father." Gray said as she looked at Azira. "You had your brother die, I had my mother die and then my father die but he didn't actually die and now I realize my closest friend is a liar. He helped my father to fake his death, he helped ruin my life and never told me. Because he didn't listen to my father he made this happen." Gray said as she picked up her rifle and gripped it tight in her hand. "It's time he tells the truth."

"Gray please, you're not thinking straight, let's just rest and we will start moving tomorrow." Tanner said as he went to hand Gray her pistol.

"My name isn't Gray, it's Katherine, and we move now." Gray demanded as she began to walk to the hole but stopped when she didn't hear anyone following.

"No." Azira said.

"What did you just say?" Gray demanded as she turned to face Azira.

"I said no, you are acting in anger, please calm down." She said as she took a step towards Gray but she aimed her rifle at Azira, Hendricks and Tanner rose their rifles at Gray.

"Don't make me Azira." Gray said in a warning tone.

"Katherine, listen to me, you're thinking in rage." Azira said as she slowly put her rifle on the ground and cautiously took another step forward.

"I will shoot you! You can't stop me, William has to pay for what he did." Gray yelled out, her voice cracking.

"We know he hurt you but this isn't right, put down your rifle now." Hendricks said as he took a step forward and Gray aimed her gun at Hendricks.

"None of you understand, Kingsley went nuts because she was bite, I saw the marks on her, I was bite to, and you guys need to get away from me." Gray demanded, tears running down her face, Azira took another step forward and put her hand on Gray's gun.

"Please let us help you." Azira said as she slowly pushed Gray's gun down but Gray grabbed Azira and aimed the rifle at her head, Tanner and Hendricks moved forward another step and Gray shoved the gun more into Azira's face.

"I need to talk to William, I need to talk to my father, see what is happening to me." Gray demanded as she squeezed her arm around Azira's.

"We can help you." Azira choked out, Gray shook her head.

"No, not with what I'm going to do." Gray said as she hit Azira on her head knocking her out and threw her body at Hendricks and Tanner forcing them to drop their guns to catch her.

"Stay alive for god sake." Gray said as she stuck a grenade on the gate and jumped through the hole and the grenade exploded, closing off the hole and making it impossible to go through. Gray lifted her pant leg and saw the bite mark from when she was on the cart, it was a greenish color but it seemed to be spreading up her leg. Gray ripped off part of her pant leg and tied it onto her calf and began to walk down the tunnel thinking about what she just done and what she's going to do.

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