Tanner 6: The Sniper

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Tanner began to bang on the metal grate, trying to knock it open but it was rusted in place. Tanner looked down and cringed as he saw Kingsley climbing using both arms. Tanner helped her to put the shoulder back into its socket but the pain she must be in climbing must be unimaginable.

"You doing okay Kingsley?" Tanner asked, Kingsley looked up and nodded, Tanner figured she was still scared since that mutated crab beast attacked and before that nearly drowning. Tanner wanted to tell her it's all going to be okay but in order to do that he has to believe it himself. He looked back up to the grate and started to bang on it harder using more force and it budged slightly making a harsh metal grinding on rock noise which made Tanner wince. Tanner kept banging on it until it popped off and crawled out of the hole and helped Kingsley up as well. Tanner had to squint from the sudden brightness change, Tanner thought they must of been there for at least a few hours as everything was back to being semi visible if you could look past all the dirt in the air. Tanner looked around and his eyes glinted as he saw an old police vehicle, he raced up to it and began to look around for any signs of the station.

"Kingsley you know what this means? There could be a police station nearby, we could get gear and equipment if it hasn't been cleared out yet by the soldiers." Tanner said as his eyes observed his surrounding but all he could see were destroyed buildings, blown up vehicles and sand all over the place. Then Tanner saw it, about a quarter mile down the road he saw more police cars, he didn't bother mentioning it to Kingsley but she must of saw it at the same time because she started running towards it.

Tanner caught up to Kingsley, she was waiting patiently for him at the doors. Tanner walked up the steps and tried for the door but it was locked but Tanner smiled at the door and looked back at Kingsley.

"The doors locked which could mean no previous reconnaissance teams have got here and emptied it out." Tanner said as he backed up and charged the door with his shoulder, the door swung open, lock breaking from the force and Tanner stumbled inside.

"You should be more careful with the amount of noise you make." Kingsley whispered as she walked by and walked up to the front desk. Tanner stared at Kingsley surprised she said anything but didn't mention anything as he adjusted the door back in place best he could. Tanner went to the center desk with Kingsley and looked around and saw an open cell door.

"I'll go and check that room out, you check the others, and there should be something here." Tanner said as he walked to the door and peeked around the corner to see if there's anything there but nothing to be seen. Tanner continued to walk but then stopped and listened, in the distance he heard gun fire, and four shots a second wait in between each shot. When it went back to being quiet Tanner continued to walk down the hallway and stubbed his foot on something and looked down to see a duffel bag. Tanner knelt down and opened the bag and smiled, inside the bag was a pump action shotgun, two pistols a p90 and three combat knives along with a bunch of ammo boxes. On the side of the duffel bag was a note, Tanner picked it up and read it.

"Go to the front door and wait for further instructions." Tanner read aloud, tanner examined the bag and saw no dust so it was placed there recently. Tanner dragged the bag back to the main room and started to take the shotgun, pistol and two knives along with as much ammo that would fit in all of his pockets. Tanner looked around at the open doors as he loaded the shotgun trying to figure out where Kingsley was.

"Kingsley?" He called out quietly then there was more sniper fire, this time much closer and seven shots, worried Tanner called out louder.

"Kingsley!" He shouted and then Kingsley came out of the farthest room.

"What do you think that shooting is coming from?" She asked, Tanner shrugged "I'm not sure but really don't feel like finding out, grab what you we can have to get out of here." Tanner said as he approached the front door but stopped at the sound of howling. He aimed the shotgun at the door and called back to Kingsley.

"May want to hurry." Tanner called but then there was a loud bang and a bullet holed appeared in the door, the bullet embedded itself into the floor right in front of him. More shots rang out then shouting came from outside.

"This is you're heads up! Now come on there's too many of them." A voice shouted from outside as more shots came from a sniper rifle then sounds of an automatic ripped through the air, more howling emerged and Tanner heard banging on the walls and roof as the creatures were climbing and jumping.

"Come on!" Tanner yelled as he motioned for Kingsley to come with him but she stood there in fear, staring at the ceiling.

"Kingsley unless you want to die move it!" Tanner shouted as he grabbed her and began to run for the door and bashed through it. In the middle of the road was two people back to back walking in a circle as they shot down whatever got to close leaving a circle of beasts around them? The person with the sniper waved at Tanner to come to them and he ran down the stairs, Kingsley trying to keep up as she stared at the creatures jumping, climbing, and dying.

"Come on move it, through here!" The sniper shouted as he pointed at an open door across the street. The man with the automatic dropped his gun and pulled out his two pistols and continued to shoot, Kingsley and Tanner obeyed the sniper and ran for the building. Tanner let Kingsley go inside as he stood in the doorway shooting what jumped at him with his shotgun as the two men raced inside. The sniper crouched down and placed something on the floor and grabbed Tanner and threw him inside and jumped onto the floor as a creature tried to jump through the door but then the object the sniper placed exploding, bringing the front of the building down on top of the creature. Tanner stood up and picked up his shotgun as he coughed from all of the smoke.

"Who are you?" He asked the sniper as he helped Kingsley onto a broken chair, Tanner looked back at the sniper and saw him kneeling over the soldier that had the automatic, and he was laying on the floor face down, claw marks on his back. The sniper sighed and stood up shouldered his rifle and grabbing the two pistols the other guy dropped. The sniper reached up and began to remove the helmet and underneath was a gas mask and behind that was a girl no older than twenty. She looked at Tanner and held out her hand.

"My name is Azira, you're friends are at my camp but the Sargent is badly wounded, we need to get all of you back to your bunker." She said as Tanner shook her hand.

"I'm Tanner, that's Kingsley, lead the way we have no time to waste." He said as he motioned Azira to lead on.

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