Gray 2: Recon

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Even wearing the gas mask Gray could feel the poisonous air trying to sneak into her mouth, wanting to suffocate her, wanting her body to join the rest on the surface. She gazed around on the horizon, many buildings collapsed from the explosions of the volcanoes and nuclear reactors, others gave away from time. There was a thick dust in the air which was making everything they saw hazy, looking down at the ground it was a mixture sand and various types of bones. Gray looked up at the sky expecting to see a sun but all she saw were clouds, sunlight sneaking through here and there but the clouds were hiding it making the sky a peachy grey color.

"Okay move out and keep your eyes open, we don't know what's waiting for us here" She demanded as she motioned for the squad to follow her as she began to walk towards the closest building. The winds howled and whistled as if trying to say something.

"The beacon is two clicks north, that way" A soldier confirmed, pointing in the direction. Gray looked over her shoulder as she kept walking.

"What's your name Corporal?" She asked as her eyes surveyed the area, eyes focused on a vehicle, focusing on what to appear to be a shadow.

"My name is Hendricks Sargent" Hendricks barked out as he packed away his map. The wind started howling and moving harder, more dust came in making it harder to see.

"What about you Corporal?" Gray asked as she motioned Hendricks to open the door.

"My name is Kingsley" She said then she jumped and looked to her side.

"What was that?" She whispered, Gray readied her weapon and pointed it to where Kingsley was looking.

"How's the door coming Hendricks?" Gray called in a hushed tone.

"I could use some help, it's blocked by something" Gray looked at Kingsley and motioned her to move to the door as Gray moved her gun in an arc in front of her. She and the two other soldiers making a half circle covering Kingsley and Hendricks.

"What about you two? What are your names?" Gray asked.

"Tanner here ma'am" A soldier said, Gray could hear the fear in his voice.

"It's okay we will make it out of here" Gray said reassuringly, "just a simple recon mission" she thought to herself. Gray turned around to see how the door was coming and she saw what was blocking it.

"Hendricks no!" She yelled but it was too late, he hit the door one last time and the door busted open, the beam that was holding it closed fell into the whole right in front of the threshold. Hendricks began to fall in and grabbed the edge of the hole. Gray rushed back to help Kingsley bring him back up then the wind stopped and Gray stopped in her tracks. She looked around trying to see a reason for the sudden silence as Kingsley helped Hendricks out of the hole.

"Why'd the wind stop?" Tanner whispered, no longer hiding the fear in his voice.

"Move into the building on the double." Gray ordered as she slowly walked backwards letting Tanner pass, the other soldier was just standing there.

"Soldier come on" Gray ordered but there was no response, Gray moved forward and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"What are you waiting for?!" Gray demanded as she turned him around and gasped as she saw his head. The gas mask was shattered and the skin on his face was scratched up, she let go of his shoulder and the body crumpled to the ground and Gray stared in fear and resisted the urge to throw up. "Am I really ready for this?" She thought to herself but she was running out of time, there were howls yet again but this time not from the wind. "Tanner help me bring this body inside!" Gray demanded and Tanner rushed forward and grabbed the other arm and dragged it back with Gray, Kingsley and Hendricks now inside put a bookcase over the hole for something to walk on. Tanner and Gray brought the body over dragging it between them.

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