14. Paul

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A/N: hope you enjoy. This is kinda short so, yeah.


I could hear Nina scream out my name but I didn't want to go back and have another fight. We aren't even together and I'm glad that Nina sign the divorce papers and everything but I can't do this again.

I entered the pizza plaza, getting my bags and pulling it over my shoulders as i turned to see Ian who's giving me a glare of disappointment. I gave him a 'what' look and he just shakes his head. I let out a huff and stared at him dead-panned.

"What? I didn't do anything wrong, I told her the truth." I shouted

"She's fragile and yet you told her the news? Couldn't let her down easy?" Ian looked angry and I wouldn't blame him, he's right. I was hurt for what she did and I did this.

"Sorry. I was just hurt plus, she slapped me okay, so if anything she should apologize to me for EVERYTHING she did" I yelled pushing past him but he grabbed me before I could leave.

"Apologize? Dude, she HAS! You just need to find in your heart a way to forgive her" I shake my head.

"I-I can't" I said walking away.


I opened the door to my home and I'm surprised by my girlfriend who's in my apartment making dinner. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey candice" Candice turned around and smiled in my direction.

"Hey baby, look what I made dinner." She smiled widely heading towards the kitchen laying the chicken pot pie on the table and waved me over.

"That looks good" I tell her as I reach in to give her a kiss.

"Yeah, it should be. I bought it" I couldn't help but laugh. Typical Candice.

"So how was your day?" She asked curiously.

"Um, good. Ian & I crossed over with Nina. She looks good" the silent filled the air and she looks at me and I take another spoonful of this delicious food.

"Nina? As in your ex wife?" I nodded shrugging off the big deal.

"Wow. We're you going to tell me?"

"I just did"

"Yeah, okay. Um, how is she doing? I know she was in the mental facility" I narrow my eyebrows

"Are you gloating?" I wondered and her eyes widen, shaking her head.

"Of course not Paul. I'm not that type of girl!" She shouts offended. I'm just completely off today.

"Sorry. She's angry at me...again" she nodded

"I understand how hard that is, maybe you should just stay away from her, you don't want to cause any triggering about us" I swallow my saliva and she stares.

"She knows..."

"Not about us. She knows I have a girlfriend"

"Paul!" She shouts "that's triggering something inside her right now." I groan.

"That's okay, let's just stay away from her for awhile. Eat the rest of your dinner"

I hope I didn't screw anything up. I hope Nina is okay, I hope she doesn't do anything to harm herself. I didn't even know I cared about her that much until now, the moment I saw her.

My Everything || Dobsley Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin