11. Nina

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My hair was tangled and not pretty. I pushed Ian on the bed, my body crawling over his body as I smiled, kissing his lips but he retreats back, taking me off of him.

"This isn't you. Your hurting" Ian tells me, putting on his shirt. I groan,

"This is your fault!" I shouts at him and he looks shocked.

"What? Nina I'm not the one who asked you to do it with me? It just happened. You have just as amount of blame just as me. We're both to blame, you lost your husband. you're not the only person who lost someone that day...my best friend hates me and won't even answers my calls" he shouted at me.

"You slept with me...that's why!" I shouted back

"YOU DIDN'T PUSH BACK! You could've stopped this long ago...but you didn't!" He shouts back with such range.

"Get the hell out!" I point towards the door.

"What? No Nina your not in the right state of min--"

"--GET OUT! GET OUT!" I shout before he could finish. I grab his biceps, opening the motel door and shoving him out. I threw out his jacket on the ground floor and slammed the door shut.

I clench my fist, I grab my hair and start pulling on it as I let out cries. I'm lost without him, this was a mistake and I want him back. I let out a painful scream, dropping to my knees as I look to my right, the painting right next to the suitcase. The only memory I have of him, my mascara running down my face making me probably look like a fucking raccoon. I want him back. Crawling to the painting, I look at it. My fingers outlining the picture as I smiled to myself, holding tightly onto it.

"I'm sorry Paul, I'm sorry" I whisper.

I look around, wiping my nose with my sleeve and I reach for my bag until I see a package go under my door. I crawl towards it and pick up the yellow package. I unveil the package and noticed it my divorce papers.

"No,no,no" I cry. I look through the papers seeing that we have to see each other tomorrow. This isn't official until tomorrow. I won't sign the papers, this is just a fight and we will fix it. 'This is only a fight' I say to myself.

A/N: this was really short, sorry guys. Did she just get crazy guys? I don't even know what I'm writing, I don't even know how I'm going to end this. I'm just going to continue to write and we'll see where it ends.

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