Chapter 6-" Your kidnapper is with you "

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" how many nights would it take to count the stars , thats the time it would take to fix my heart "

Chapter 6

Happy reading

Nandini : " kidnapper , I am not liking this place , its a little creepy , plz let's go from here "

Manik : " this place won't bite u , just don't talk , if u can then memorize how many guards are there at every corner , it'll help u to survive here ". Nandini nodded and started studying the area minutely . a bulky and well-build man stopped them from moving ahead.

Manik : " tell harshad manik is here " . the man nodded and went inside , after a minute the man came out and asked

Man : " have u brought the girl ?? "

Manik : " yes I have ". Manik clutched nandini's hand ever so tightly. The man gestured them to come inside, the man vanished inside.

Nandini : " gg..ii..r..l ?? kidnapper what was he talking about, where have u brought me " .

Manik : " angel believe me , till I am with u , I won't let anyone harm u , just stay quite , whatever happens u won't speak , I hope u remember how many guards are in the way... " . nandini nodded. They both took a deep breadth and entered inside.

Nandini POV

It was a dark room with dim light. There were 3 men including kidnapper. One was standing beside me clutching my hand in his grip, yup it my kidnapper. Second one was standing beside the third man who was sitting on a couch !!! Hmmm maybe the one sitting is the boss. The way the boss was staring at me from head to toe , I felt really uncomfortable. Unknowingly stepped back and hid behind my kidnapper.

Pov ends

Harshad : " look who we have here , daddy's Lil princess !!! " a disgusting smile appeared on his face.

Harshad : " manik tell her to come to me. " .

manik looked at nandini's face, her eyes showed an unknown emotion. Her face was blank . Manik slowly leave her hand from his grip and give her a slight push to move forward. Manik gave her a nod and encourage her to move forward. Nandini was now aware that where ever her kidnapper has brought her is not the nicest place and especially after seeing harshad, but she was strong not physically but mentally, she has been in more difficult and dangerous situation before, this was not so new to her. Her eyes fell on the person standing beside harshad. Her lips curled up in a smirk .

Nandini : " huhhh this is what I was wondering that how come I never met anyone of u guys , like its been almost 3 years and not meeting anyone of u was strange. Long time huh , I thought u would be still working for HIM but looks like u left from there ". . instead of moving towards harshad she moved towards the other man, and stood exactly opposite to him. The man shifted his gaze towards the wall.

Manik and harshad were confuse on her statement.

Harshad : " Nick u know her ?? " , he asked him.

Nandini : " wohoo u changed your name boy " nick gave her a fierce look.

Harshad got up from his chair and came towards nandini. He grabbed her by her forearm roughly which was enough to form bruise.

Harshad : " enough of your nonsense. Thank u for your support manik , I really appreciate that. U can leave , I'll handle her from here. " he stared at manik.

Harshad : " I want this room empty . NOW . everyone OUT " . nandini looked in manik's eyes pleading him to take her with her, but without giving a single glance at her he walked out of the room with nick. Nandini was shocked at his behavior. She looked at harshad and saw the same disgusting smile on harshad face which she used to see on HIS face. Harshad was reminding her of HIM. Harshad pulled her to him and buried his face in her hair inhaling her scent.

Harshad : " god u smell as delicious as u look " . nandini shivered at his words and started struggling to be free. Harshad pushed her down on the sofa and started opening his shirt buttons. Fear crept in nandini, she started shivering badly.

Nandini : " yeh kya kar rhe ho ?? Please no. " . he started moving closer to her and held her top.

Nandini : " manik " she shouted with all her strength.

The door burst open with manik and 3 other people pointing thier gun at harshad . the sight of nandini and harshad was enough for manik to loose control and pulled the trigger of his gun.
The bullet directly hit at harshad's leg making him yelp in pain and he himself pulled away from nandini. Manik rushed to harshad and hit him the same place where the bullet was shot . harshad screamed in pain . manik continued hitting him mercilessly. Nick pulled manik away from almost dead harshad.

Nick : " manik enough. I'll take care of him , u go to nandini. " . manik looked at nandini and saw her staring him with a blank face. Manik went to her and kneeled in front of her. He cupped her face and made her look towards him.

Manik : " Angel , I am here with u , u r fine , look ur kidnapper is with u " .manik didn't knew what to say. He tried to cup her face but Nandini jerked his hands away . manik pulled her in a bone crushing hug. He gently started rubbing his cheek with hers.

Nandini : " I thought u left me " .

Manik : " no angel I actually never left . u r fine and with me now " he patted her head.

Nick cleared his throat. Manan broke the hug.

Nick : " manik leave with her asap. The guards must be coming back. I'll handle harshad and meet u afterwards . leave the city. Now go " . manik nodded at him , he took nandini's and started and made his way to the exit. He hugged nick and made nandini sit in the car. He exchanged few secret words with nick and drove away at full speed.Nick comes inside and saw harshad lying on the floor screaming with pain.

Harshad : " why did u do this to me , u were working for me , how could u ". Nick smirked.

Nick : " harshad i was never working for u , i was here for a reason. What u were going to do to nandini was the reason that destroyed u. Nandini is vik's property, u cant even dare to look at her. Well enough of words . Well bye forever. May u rot in hell. GOOD BYE HARSHAD". Nick took his gun out and shot harshad dead. Nick took out his phone and dialled a number .

Nick : " your work is done. Nandini is safe . Dont worry about her. ".


Chapter 6 completed. Guyzz I am down with high fever . I am feeling very weak . I was not in the condition of typing the chapter but I was receiving constant messages to update from many readers . And also I promised u all to update regularly. I am really not well and only I know how I managed this update. Please do respond. This update didn't came out as I planned so please pardon me for that. !!!! Comment long !!! Do like !!! Stay happy and healthy !!

Lots of love
Angel ❤️

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