Chapter 1- What?

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"Wake up already!"

A voice screamed in my ear. I lifted my head slowly and saw a woman was staring at me with an angry expression.

"What is the matter Ms. Paige?" I asked, frightened.

"What is the matter? Are you seriously asking me what is wrong? You had forgotten to clean up the party room last night and it smells horrible!" she shrieked.

I lowered my head, preventing myself from looking into her eyes.

"Just hurry and clean the room you've forgotten about. A guest is soon to arrive and I don't want my home to be a mess," she sighed.

Ms. Paige walked away and a moment later the large machine that I was locked to, let go.

It disappeared as soon as I turned around and I start feeling my numb arms, as if the machine paralyzed me. I went up the long spiral stairs that seemed to take forever. My mind was spinning and I felt rather dizzy. As I reached the top, I turned the doorknob with shaky hands. I went into Ms. Paiges 'party room.' I wiped, dusted, swept and mopped. It indeed was a mess and  if I was to have human senses, I would've hurled.

As I finished, Ms. Paige came in. She was speechless. 

"This room is gorgeous!" she exclaimed,"You always do your job right. Now hurry and go, my guest is coming."

I walked back down the spiral staircase and just as I put one foot down on the cold marble floor, I heard a muffling sound. I turned around and saw a shadow of someone being dragged down. I quickly hid and peeked over. That 'someone' was a human and it was a female. I was shocked, why on Earth would they force a human down here?

She had blonde hair that seemed to glow in the light. Her eyes were blue like the sea. It was beautiful but only if she didn't have fear in her eyes, it would've stunned anyone in her path. Her eyes were wide open and a handkerchief was being forced in her mouth. She was lightly tanned and she could be the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

They laid her on a white, flat single bed and handcuffed her wrists to the head of the bed. They stabbed a needle into her arm and she shrieked but barely made a noise due to the handkerchief covering her mouth.

I tried to escape from this unsightly operation. I didn't know what in the world they were doing but I didn't want to know. I just wanted to leave but couldn't risk being caught. I slid against the wall, hitting the floor. I couldn't see what was happening because there were boxes that has been placed in front of me, but I knew that this operation will take quite some time.

Only a few minutes later, I gave up and fell asleep. I am part human and seems to be possible that I can get bored and fall asleep. I don't know how it was possible. All the other androids in this building that I have never explored can stay awake 24/7. However for me it's impossible, completely impossible. Could it be.. I'm more than a human than I am a robot? How is this possible?

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