"You are no family of mine." I replied. "My family is in the Black Order." He snickered and if possible smiled wider.

"But, wouldn't that count your sister out?" He asked. I probably paled. I didn't want my sister to die. I just met her, but I know I love her. Why did I lose my memories? "Dont you want her to live? We won't do anything to her as long as you agree to our terms."

"The White Order would never let you touch her." I growled. He snickered again.

"We don't have to. Tykky Mykk's Tease will do all the work." Lulubell cut in. I glared at them both.

"Why would you want me?" I asked.

"Because family should stick together." Earl replied as soon as sirens went off. "Lulubell, go find out what's going on." So much for sticking together.


We ran through the halls of the Earl's new ark. My team was on either side of me. I still don't understand the details of this mission. We were supposed to be rescuing someone. Alexis didn't even give a description; she said we would know when we saw him. His name was Allen, but we have no further information. Why is he so important? "Two, there is a Noah up ahead." Brent informed me.

"Which one?" I asked. Brent had parasitic innocence that fused with his eyes. He could see through walls and blow things up and could actually control it. He was a well known General of the White Order and my student.

"One by the name of Lulubell. She can transform at will so be careful everyone." He said.

"Any hits on our rescuee?" I asked. He slowed his pace, which we all matched, so he could concentrate.

"Yes, there's a boy very tense in front of the Earl. He has white hair and-" He started then gasped.

"What is it? What does he look like?" I asked impatiently.

"He is the mirror image of One. He has a curse mark on his eye and blue eyes, but he looks exactly like One." Brent said. I frowned. Alexis never tells us exactly what missions are, but it has never been like this. What is she thinking? I need to talk to her when we get back.

Soon, Lulubell came into view. "I'll take care of this. You guys go on ahead." Lloyd said jumping in front of us.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She frowned.

"Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't handle a challenge such as this." She said.

"Why do you assume I'm being sexist?" I yelled at her angrily while passing Lulubell. "Brent, which way?"

"Two more hallways them right." He said. We ram following his directions until we reached the room our target was in. The boy spun around and saw our uniforms.

"You idiots! Run!" He yelled just before the earl came charging at us. I thought I was dead, but never felt an impact. I opened my eyes to see Allen's innocence. He earned his name; the Majestic Clown of God. No one can ever argue this fact. "We have to leave!" He said urgently. We didst question him and ram out with him in tow. We ran and saw Lloyd still fighting Lulubell. We grabbed her and made a dash for the outside and turned around to defend ourselves. We all readied ourselves before we realized two familiar little girls that were polar opposites running towards the entrance. One had a black hat, shirt, boots, and white hair, shorts, and gloves on while the other had the same outfit just flipped colors. They smiled and put their hands together and sent a beam of black and white light to the entrance; effectively destroying it and proving it unuseable. There were only two people that had to be together to summon them. I turned around to be met with Merriam Cross and his niece, One. She smiled.

"Thanks a lot for helping my brother. Alexis didn't want me to go!" She said.

Me:Well that was exciting!

One:What? I appeared for such a small amount of time.

Johnny:Calm down, You were the hero anyway.

One:I was, wasn't I. Oh, Mysterious! You do like me.

Me:*smirk* Suuurrrrreeeee *in reality I do, but she doesn't need to know*

One:Argh! I hate you. *attacks me*

Kanda:Stop fighting you're freaking out Allen. *we stop and look at Allen who is curled in a ball*


Me&One:We're sorry! We didn't mean it. Please stop crying!

Johnny:We got Allen back! We don't own D. Gray Man! Now, I'm gonna help Allen from being crushed to death by his sister and friend.

D.Gray Man: Appearance of the White Order --Discontinued--Where stories live. Discover now