One sided

9 1 0

Why do friendships,

have to be one-sided?

this relationship,

is like an imbalance see saw,

where you feel like you're above, 

making an effort.

Even though you're so high,

you don't seem to see all,

yet you have the,

best position on the see saw.

You can't see the effort I make,

and if you were to remove the elements of me from this friendship,

there'd be less give and more take.

If love is a two way street,

then friendship should be a sidewalk,

since it's not a big enough journey to make,

and long enough road to travel down.

But  on this path we could still both go for walks

and talk,

as we take a trip around town.

But since it's so hard for you to be around,

I guess it's a walk I have to take with others.

Others who take the time,

to make time,

for one another.

Efforts made within a friendship should be equal,

split down the middle, 50/50,

the problems starts to arise,

when the efforts made are,

this figure or above

- 40/60.

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