The Hungry Caterpillar

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Stop telling us we’re all beautiful,

Not everyone was born butterflies,

Some of us are still stuck in the hungry caterpillar phase,

Waiting, just waiting, for an overnight change

Hungry for the beauty we see in others

And hungry for the positive attention it brings

Craving to be accepted and admired

Appreciated and respected.

All of this seems to come from good looks

Because all we’ve ever been taught 

In books from a young age

Is that the beautiful princess gets her prince

And everything she’s ever wished for

Or that the successful business woman

Is attractive too.

As if beauty is supposed to go hand in hand with success,

Prosperity, popularity and happiness

You know what its true what they say,

First impressions always count because

They’ll never be able to see you clearly 

If they don’t like your face.

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