"He got shot pretty bad, he almost didn't make it." At that, Austin let out a small sob, one that fought the smile on his lips.

"We'll have to keep him here for a bit until we're sure he can function properly. You could've lost him," he told him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, patting it twice, "he's lucky to be alive."

The doctor left and Austin turned to Kellin, who he himself hadn't even noticed he had begun to cry, and wrapped his arms around him, the two crying together.

Alan didn't know how much he mattered. For the majority of his life he had grown up being thrown around and beat, only to escape it and fall deep into the abyss of drugs and prostitution, where he could've killed himself, or got killed. Even if the only people who cared about Alan were Kellin and Austin, it didn't matter. It didn't matter because despite the loss in numbers, those two people cared more for Alan then they care for their own wellbeing.

"Are you going to tell him when he gets out?" Vic heard Kellin ask. Both Kellin and Austin wiped their faces of tears and tried desperately to compose themselves. Austin gave Kellin a small, hopeful nod.

"Yeah, I am. I'm gonna tell him I love him."

Around five in the morning, a different nurse appeared. She had dark skin and loose, curly hair the stopped just above her shoulders, and an award winning smile. Her eyes gleamed happiness despite her tiredness. "Ashby?" She asked, smile still sweeped on her lips. At once, the three boys stood.

Although it wasn't necessarily Vic's place to stand, he did, and he stood behind Kellin. He didn't know this Ashby kid, but Kellin did, and he was there for Kellin for support. Aside from that, he was Kellin's best friend as he told him, so he trusted that Alan was somewhat good.

"You can see him now. We've moved him out of intensive care and into a more comfortable room. He just woke up." She gave them the room number before smiling one last time and walking off.

Kellin and Austin thought over what they were going to say to Alan, and Vic just walked quietly behind them. He gazed ahead of him at Kellin, who could sense his stare and slowed down immediately, leaving Austin the only one to continue walking. Vic only stared at Kellin, still in awe at the beauty that had been taken from him and how he managed to survive while Vic had been walking on thin ice.

The two slowed down to a stop in the now empty hallway, the slow swish of the door closing behind Austin echoed off the walls,  leaving them otherwise stuck in complete silence. Far off, probably in another wing or corridor, an alarm went off, the natural blaring a slow drum as it reached their ears.

"What? Vic, what's wro-" Abruptly, he pulled Kellin into a hug, briefly ignoring the way Kellin tensed up only to soon relax in what he remembered were Vic's arms, wrapping his arms around his frame. His head fell into the crook of Vic's neck, taking a deep breath through his nose, the feel of goosebumps from Vic rising against his cheek.

He pulled away to plant a kiss on his cheek, basking in the way Kellin's face heated up. A small, bashful smile fell onto his lips as he stared Vic in the eyes.

"What was that for?" He asked, still smiling. Vic only let out a sigh.

"I just-... I'm sorry. It's so unbelievable that you're here, you're actually here. Standing, with me. And, seeing what happened to Alan and Jaime, just scares me even though I have you here. Because it made me realize that I could've lost you too, all over again. And I doubt I would've been able to handle that." Vic said all in one breath. There was no amount of words, however, that could truly describe the emotions he was feeling every time he simply gazed at Kellin, or even touched his skin. He was completely awe stricken by the beauty that sirrvived that horror show and he was grateful to whichever being out there that helped him survive.

"And what I'm trying to say is-... is that I love you, Kellin, and I don't know what I'd do without you." Vic said, laughing a bit as he wiped the edges of his eyes.

Kellin's arms dropped from around Vic and trailed down his arms, slowly all the way down until he locked hands with him. He pulled him closer and planted a soft, delicate kiss to his lips, one that was so gentle it felt feathery but so passionate it left him burning for more.

He pulled away from Vic with a dazed look in his eyes, momentarily forgetting about what the point of that kiss was. "Vic, I'm okay now. I swear I won't be going anywhere. I love you too, and honestly that probably scares me the most, because I've never felt this strong for anyone else. But you don't have to worry, because I'm here now. With you. And this is real." Kellin concluded, chuckling a bit and wrapping his arms back around Vic in a tight hug.

"Now come on, let's go see Alan."


Ok but that's the end and I'm incredibly sad to see this story finish. I just needed a chapter to conclude what happened and stuff so sorry if this wasn't what you expected. I wanted this to be longer but. Yeah. And this was so late because of finals and FUCK I HATE FINALS. Anyways. Y'all should check out Don't Say Anything and keep a lookout for any other fics. Love you cinnamon rolls. :)) stay safe ~ K

The Lost (boyxboy) (Kellic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن