And Why They Said It

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Maria: I don't get what your problem is, but you better solve it, because you're no fun to be around like this!
Alene was being wayy too sad about having a 2P, and she was trying to cheer her up, but it didn't work so Maria screamed that out in frustration. (Alene realized she was being stupid after that, and quickly started acting like usual again.)

Karah: Could you be quiet, I'm plotting a murder here!
Maria, Selska, Kamm and Sæl were in a serious argument about which gender was better. Her statement was just to shut them up, as it was getting quite heated.

Alene: Shut up. I know the only thing you seem to be good at is talking, but right now, you need to shut your trap, or I'll seriously injure you. Uhygg didn't stop talking about how much she loved Mærk, and Alene was getting sick of it. She screamed that, and Uhygg quickly shut her mouth. (The threat was real by the way, Alene would have seriously injured Uhygg is she didn't stop talking.)

Alex: You shouldn't act like you know everything. What might be true for you definitely isn't true for me, as I want nothing to do with you. Alex has, the one time she came out, said a few smart things. One of these things was the quote from the last chapter, which she told Sabel, after getting scolded for being rude.

Sabel: Honestly, you act so big, like you've seen the world, but have you ever seen a mountain from up close before? I have, I had to climb it. That was towards Thomas, and both an insult to the fact that he never seems to do anything, and his flat landscape. Thomas was throwing a fit because Sabel wanted to stop trading for a while, and Sabel got pissed off as well.

Sten: Stone Wall... I guess that every name has a meaning, but yours doesn't seem to be very special. Towards Alene. It was an indication that Sten both thought she was better, and that her name was stupid. The two were fighting over who was the better person, and Sten was throwing cryptic insults like this all around the place, while Alene just made sassy remarks. (The argument ended with Sten walking away shouting: "AT LEAST I'M NOT JUST A LONELY ISLAND")

Thomas: If I was actually needed, you wouldn't be standing there, doing nothing. Seen that you are, I guess it's safe to say I can keep sleeping. As we all know, Thomas is a lazy bitch, and Sabel was trying to wake him up. She said she needed him for something, but Thomas didn't want to go, so he said something (relatively) smart. (He's too lazy to come up with good arguments, the only time he gets fired up is when someone insults him.)

Milan: Hit me all you want, I'm immortal. This was one of the moments he was being a dick to Sabel, and she slapped him across the face. He said this, and walked away with a smug look on his face.

Kamm: Sunshine and rainbows are pretty, right? Way prettier than that frown you're wearing! He is hopelessly in love with Alene, but she can't stand him. She was really frustrated with his way-too-happy personality, and he said that. (We do not talk about what happened next, but it was kinda painful, as well as watching it as for Kamm.)

Vars: That I know magic won't say I'll perform it just to give you a bit of amusement, you know. I'm a person, not a circus act. Stoje was taunting him a bit to perform some magic, but Vars didn't feel like that at all. He said that, and told Stoje to fuck off.

Mildne: Kill that rabbit and I'll kill you. Nysge once threatened to shoot a rabbit the two of them spotted in the forest when they were walking. Mildne threatened to shoot him, and the threat worked, as Nysge stopped. (She'll actually kill you if you kill an animal, do not even doubt that.)

Stoje: You say that I'm weird like it's a bad thing. She has said this multiple times. People always tell her she's strange, or weird, and she is, but she doesn't need the comments. (The list of people that have called her weird includes Karah, Vars, Mærk, Sten, Milan, Thomas, Sabel, Alene, Kamm and Nysge.)

Selska: Honestly, you act all high and mighty, but in the end, you're just a loser like me. And a dumb one at that. This was directed at Uhygg. She always is pure hatred towards her, and Uhygg was once bragging about how Mærk was not an oblivious idiot. Selska was getting very annoyed and screamed at her.

Uhygg: You're not crazy, I am! So go and do things that not-crazy people enjoy, while I do things that I enjoy! Uhygg puts up with a lot of people, and when Sten once complained about how she was crazy and how she didn't understand how normal people work (long story), this is what Uhygg yelled at her.

Ens: I don't need hugs to feel loved, I just want someone to talk to me. When Ens first met Selska, he'd been lonely for a while. All he wanted was company, but he doesn't like people touching him, so when Selska tried to hug him, this was what he said.

Mærk: She won't leave me alone, and I would have said something about it, if I hadn't known what it meant to be truly alone. Mærk's explanation to Karah on how he puts up with Uhygg.

Sæl: You look like you're a quiet person... Good, because I have a lot to tell you! When Sæl met Alene for the second time (the first time being when he was still very small), he was (and still is) a very enthusiastic young man. He would sit down and tell Alene a story he picked up from somewhere (and that is the story of how Alene and Sæl became good friends).

Nysge: Like a bird, I'll shoot you if you don't get out of my way. Nysge gets annoyed easily, and this was one of his threats when Karah wanted to stop him from leaving a Meeting between the 2Ps. (The threat is valid, as he likes to shoot birds and he is a murderous asshole.)

Kama: I could have simply killed you, but instead I chose to talk. Now try to tell me I'm immature to my face. When Kama gets annoyed (which is an accomplishment if you get him that far, congrats in advance), he'll start throwing out passive aggressive insults, or defenses if need be. This was to Dharati, when he was being unreasonable (again).

Dharati: Can I kill him now? I haven't killed someone in a while, and it feels so satisfying when you crack their skulls open! Karah and Dharati are killing buddies (god knows how they met, probably on one of Karah's journeys... Jk I know exactly how they met), and they torture and kill people together. This was when the two of them captured Sabel, and got tired of her as she didn't make a sound. (Karah wanted to keep her alive though, as she values Sten's life and when Sabel dies, Sten dies as well.)

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