Everyone is dead.

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Hello, Lovelies. So, after I made Karah watch Undertale, she stomped out of here. I'm her foodgiver though, so she'll be back. Anyway, Alene, who knew about Undertale via her brother Norge, who knew it because it was based off of Norwegian mythology, and Maria, who apparently watched it with Alene, were laughing their asses off and went to bed early because their stomachs ached. So, I took the time to tell y'all somethin':

I feel so fucking weird. I don't even have a valid fucking reason. I have no idea what it is, but I feel depressed, depressing, crazy, and fucking happy and energetic as fuck.

 I have no idea what it is, but I feel depressed, depressing, crazy, and fucking happy and energetic as fuck

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I'm not crazy. Maybe I am. Who knows. Maybe this is a major fucking moodswing and I am bipolar. Maybe I need to chill and fucking rest because I'm overreacting. I don't know. I don't fucking know.

So, on that note, dare my OCs! I am in the middle of creating some new ones. Oops. I'm starting to become like
faiththestoryteller and Allen_Jones_50
XD Oh well. New OC's on their way! I just need to do some research!

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