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Sounds of the grass rustling filled the silent night as three men went deeper into the forest at the hill. The full moon was enough to illuminate the way; Myungsoo thought as the two men didn't even brought a flashlight.

Not that it matters anyway since the moon that night was really bright.

About 10 minutes of walking, he came into a view of an abandoned building behind all of the trees. Well, it couldn't get any more cliché, he thought as he inwardly rolled his eyes.

The two men from Shii's wing-men pushed the metal doors to the right, making a loud rusty wheeling noise.

Walking inside, the light was off until they were away from the door by a few meters, the light finally went on.

At the center of the building, Shii was standing with a welcoming smirk plastered on him, his wing-men was behind him.

"Ah, Myungsoo, you finally here," he spoke triumphantly.

"Where's Naeun," Myungsoo straight-forwardly asked him, ignoring the warm welcome he gave.

"Impatient, aren't you? Well, before we proceed, I need to do some body inspection on you – like always," with that, he snapped his fingers as the two men besides Myungsoo started to roam their hands all over his body.

Myungsoo knew he would do this so he avoided every wiring, ear piece that they wanted to give. He had been with him for a long time and he knew his way of doing business. In fact, he himself had done it a few times and Shii always said to do this before getting on the business.

Now, Shii might be the owner of the leading company in South Korea but he too done some underground, illegal business. Sometimes, it involves of killing people but Shii rarely had his hands dirty – rarely.

While Myungsoo, he got his hands dirty alright but not till taking a life. As far as he went was beating someone until you could barely recognize the face. That was when his body was in control of the demon that was now inside a cage. Let's just hope that the demon would not make it appearance tonight.

After the two men confirmed that Myungsoo was clean, Shii moved forward.

"Now, let's go down with business, shall we?" how Myungsoo wanted to wipe the smirk off his face.

"I want to see Naeun first," he demanded, still with his stoic expression.

"Very well then," a waved from his hand and his wing-men behind him had separated into two lines, showing the tied-up Naeun on a chair.

"Myungsoo," she mumbled slowly. For a moment, she felt relief when she saw Myungsoo but then, she noticed that he was alone. Myungsoo against almost 15 people in this room including Shii – was not a good idea.

It had only been two nights but she already loss some weight and she looked tired and exhausted. Guilt crept into his heart as he had failed; yet again to protect her.

"Now you have seen her, I need you to do your part – the key," Shii spoke as he took out his palm.

Slowly, Myungsoo went forward to him, his hand was inside his black jacket pocket. Once the key was retrieved, he slammed the key onto his palm and went passed him to Naeun.

On his palm laid a small key that had the Jungs symbol on its tail. A grinned broke on his lips. "Finally, it's mine," he murmured to himself.

Once Myungsoo was in front of the tied-up Naeun, he immediately crouched on the ground.

"Hi," he started and gave her one of his breath-taking smile. Myungsoo was in an all-black outfit and he looked perfectly dashing. For a second, Naeun was in awe but then realized it's not the best time to gawk at him.

"M-Myungsoo," she choked on her words. She was in a whirlwind of emotions that she just wanted to burst in tears.

With still the smile on his face, he proceeded to untie the rope on her wrist first. "It's going to be alright, Naeun. Everything's going to be –"

He didn't manage to finish his words as a pang of pain was felt on his left shoulder blade.

"Myungsoo!" she gasped in horror and worried.

Holding the wounded shoulder, he turned and saw a delightful grin on Shii with a gun on his hand. "Oops, must be a slip of the finger," he said.

"What the hell are you doing?" Myungsoo hissed through his teeth.

"Well, I can't let you live now since – you had known too much and I'm worry that you might spill it to the authorities so, what's a better way to keep a person mouth shut,"

"You promised to let her go – alive," Myungsoo spoke thorugh his gritted teeth.

"I am a man of my words, Myungsoo, you know that. Once she's out of the building alive, you will be not so, take your time to enjoy your last few minutes with her," Shii snickered as he went to the other side of the building, watching both of them.

Myungsoo grunted in pain as he tried to untie the rope with barely moved his left shoulder blade. Her face was already wet in tears as the bullet pass through his shoulder. A whimper left her lips.

"Sshh, don't cry, everything's going to be fine," he muttered to her ear as the rope finally loosen. Myungsoo grabbed her hand to stand up.

"Until she's out of the building," Myungsoo reminded Shii as he held her hand, walking towards the exit.

"Myungsoo, you don't have to do this. I-I don't want you – "

A finger was put on her lips. They were now standing a couple meters away from the exit.

Naeun stared at him with teary eyes as Myungsoo cradled her face, brushed her eyes with his thumbs. Blood had stained her dusty cheeks.

With an assuring smile, he said "It's going to be fine. Believe me," as he gazed deeply into her pair of hazel eyes.

Slowly, he brought her face closer to him as his lips came in contact with hers. It was a soft, gentle touch on her lips. Once they parted, his lips were still lingering closer to hers as he murmured "I love you – always have, always will."

With a last lingering gazed, he pushed Naeun out of the building and once her foot stepped outside of the building, a bang was heard behind her. 



these past few days, i had been playing deemo

and dare i say, they have the best game soundtrack ever ;;;;

anyway hope you guys had a wonderful day~

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