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It was a perfect Saturday night and what a better way to enjoy it but by eating ice-cream and watching movies! Sounds lonely but Chorong was not free – and she suspected that she had a date which she didn't bother to tell her; a friend she was – and she didn't care about it as long as she was happy. She never thought to be in a relationship – ever.

But then...Chorong had once said that she and Myungsoo had dated before she had lost her memories. Frankly speaking, she had a hard time in believing it but her body had been constantly giving signals and signs that they had been dating before. Right now, she just didn't know anymore. They hadn't met for a few days now which were probably better. She was afraid that she would act all awkward around him as she had just known that he had dated her and they were probably lovers too.

Naeun was on her way back to her house when she just thought that probably the guy in her flashbacks were Myungsoo. If it was really him, then why he hadn't said anything that he knew her? Why he acted like they had just met?

She almost reached her house when someone suddenly pop out of nowhere, grabbing a hold on her neck, covered her mouth with his hand.

"Don't scream and your life would be save," he spoke. She knew it was a he based on the figure and the rough voice. She felt her breath stuck in her throat, her body was frozen. He was wearing a ski mask and both of his hands were covered in gloves.

"If you do as I say, I would let you go, understand?" Tears were brimming in her eyes as she gave a slight nod. In her mind, she thought of every self-defense she could use but her body failed to do so as feared filled inside.

God, please help me.

"Good, now – "

Before the man could finish his words, he had been pulled by someone with a strong grip. The man flopped onto the ground easily. Looming over the man, he pulled the ski mask from his face.

Behind the mask was a face that he knew all too well – it was one of Shii's wing-men. Though he didn't know his name but in the past, they had done a few chores together – in which, he wanted to erase from his memories. How he hated the time that he was being manipulated by him.

He grabbed hold of his shirt collar. "If I ever see you or your shadow, you'll be dead, understand?" he growled in front of his face. The man knew better to run off than to face him right now. It's bad enough that the plan failed and he didn't want it to get worse. His pair of coffee eyes was dark as he almost let out the demon in him that had been in cage for eight years.

"If I catch you again, you are dead. Now go," he harshly released the collar and pushed him away. Giving a last glance, the man quickly scrambled away. The nagging sound at the back of his mind had been telling him to go to her house; that she was in trouble. Thank goodness that he made it in time.

Once he was gone, Myungsoo turned around and found a terrified Naeun on the ground. Quickly crouched next to her, he removed the hair that was sticking on her face. "You okay?" he said gently.

Naeun removed her gaze from the ground and went to look at the man besides her. She felt relief that it was Myungsoo.

"Y-Yeah," she answered with trembling lips, still shocked from what had happened. Noticing that she was still terrified, Myungsoo wrapped his arms around her, gently stroking her hair and rubbing her back.

"It's okay, I'm here, it's alright now," he had whispered to her in repeat, hoping to calm her down.

A sigh escaped from her lips as she took in his scent – his familiar scent. In an instant, she felt comfortable and calm.

For a few minutes, they had been stayed like that.

"Let's go inside, hmm? It's warmer," he softly said to her. The night was cold and Myungsoo was worried that she might be sick.

With a nod of her head, they both stood up and walked a few more steps before reaching her doorstep.

Pushing the door opened, both of them went inside. Myungsoo had thought to leave once he had made sure that she was okay but a sudden tug on his sleeve made him stop.

"What is it?" gently, he asked. Naeun didn't say anything but looking down on the floor.

"Naeun," he spoke again, going closer to her. Still, she didn't give any reaction.

"Hey," he gently cupped her face using both of his hands, making her to look at him. Startled, he saw that her pair of hazelnut eyes was glistening with tears.

Slowly, her hands were on top of his. "Could you stay the night here? Please?"

After tucked her in her bed, he had thought to just sleep on the couch outside but again, she stopped him by tugging his sleeve. "Stay," she mumbled. Myungsoo was surprised. She must be that terrified until she asked him to stay. In a quick moment, a thought of killing Shii and all his wing-men crossed his mind.

Naeun didn't know why she was acting like a clingy little kid but her body and mouth were going against her brain. The brain said no but her body and mouth ignore the brain's order.

In the end, Myungsoo was on the bed, lying beside her. Once he had make sure that Naeun was deep in her slumber, he looked at her. How innocent and pure she looked when she was asleep. He had the urge to trace his finger all over her face when the peaceful face suddenly frowning. Then, she started to mumble some incoherent words as sweats started to form on her forehead.

She was having a nightmare. Myungsoo knew immediately.

Before he could even wake her up, her eyes were wide open as she gasped and got up from the bed. She was panting like she had just run a marathon.

"Naeun," he whispered as he slowly got up.

"I remember..." she mumbled but barely audible, her eyes were staring on the cover. Myungsoo frowned in confusion.

"I remember the night of the accident," she said louder than before.

And in that moment, Myungsoo felt his world darken.

Echoes of the Past [myungeun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now