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Dinner was going on smoothly. Naeun bright personality had managed to make the dinner less awkward. That one time when it got really awkward was during the time Uncle Uhm accidentally asked Naeun about her parents. It's not long but you could feel the tense in the air for a second.

But Naeun managed to answer his question easily and calmly. "My aunt said my father died in a car accident and I was with him. But I didn't remember about it. They said I had suffered from amnesia,"

Her answer however, had surprised Myungsoo. It wasn't an accident – it was intended to look like a car accident but it was not – heck he was there.

After that, Uncle Uhm asked her some other questions and Naeun smoothly replied it. It seemed like after her father died, Naeun had been staying with her aunt. Her aunt was the one that had been supporting her studies and such.

Myungsoo had been quiet through the whole conversation and only spoke when necessary.

Once dinner was done, they had spent a few minutes talking and occasionally, Myungsoo would join in. When it was late enough, Naeun was prepared to go home with Myungsoo tagging along – just to make sure she will be safe.

She was waiting for him at the porch as he said he needed to grab something. Few minutes later, he came with a bike wheeling besides him. A look of amusement crossed her face.

With a sheepishly grin, he stopped in front of her.

"I thought we could enjoy the night breeze better while riding the bike, plus it'll safe time,"

Hands were gripping the side of his shirt as she closed her eyes, welcoming the gentle breeze hitting her face.

"How's it?" he shouted through the air.

"It feels nice," she replied and Myungsoo smile hearing her answer.

"Hey, Myungsoo," she called after a beat of silence. "Do you think we could stop for a while to have some ice-creams?"

Hand was holding the cone as she happily ate the ice-cream. Without her knowing, the guy was watching her eating with amusement in his eyes. Still the childish Naeun.

The sound of the waves crashing filled their silence. They were at the beach, sitting on the sandy sands.

"So, tell me about yourself," she asked in-a-spur-of-moment as she gave a glance to him before landed her eyes to the beautiful view in front of her.

Raising a confusing brow, he said "What do you want to know?"

"Anything," as she shrugged her shoulders, "Maybe what you are doing every day, your hobbies, interest,"

For a moment, he was quiet, trying to find what to talk about, "Well, on working days, I'll be at the jetty – helping Uncle Uhm building and repairing the boats."

"Wow, you build boats?" she asked, suddenly enthusiastic. Her eyes were glowing with excitement.

With a casual shrugged, he replied "Yeah. It's the least I can do to repay him for giving me a place to stay,"

Naeun nodded and hummed in replied. "So, as you know, I'm a doctor and I came here to help my friend and I love to paint and draw,"

Myungsoo smile hearing her response. He had looked at her drawing a few times and she once said that she wanted to become an artist. Why the sudden change of profession?

A sad smile overtook her happy one as she mumbled, "You know, I had dreamt to become a painter – an artist. Once my father died, I had decided to become a doctor instead. I want to help people and give them a chance to live."

Myungsoo felt a lump of guilt was stuck in his throat. It pained him to see her hurt. It was his fault – he should have stopped it but he couldn't.

He was too late.

Heaving a deep sigh, she said "Well, enough with the sad story. Let's talk about something else like...food!" her face was shone with excitement as she said the word food and Myungsoo can't help it but to chuckles.

"You already had food in your hand, Naeun."

Then, all of the sudden her heart was beating rapidly. The way he said his name – it sounded so familiar. Images began to pop in her head.

Image of a guy kissing her, image of them at a park, image of them laughing and the familiar voice of a guy saying I love you.

A shot of pain came to her head as she brought her head into her palm. The ice-cream fell into the sand.

What is this? Are those images part of my missing memory?

"Hey, Naeun!" the guy held both of her shoulders. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

She didn't say anything. Her face scrunched in pain as beads of sweat were forming on her forehead. He was dumbfounded and panic and he didn't know what to do but to hug her.

He gently stroked her hair, trying to ease her down. Surprisingly, it worked as the pain slowly went away. For 10 minutes, Myungsoo had been stroking her hair.

Naeun can't help it but felt it was soothing – secure and safe. Oddly, she felt like home. It's like he had always been her home, it's like her body knew him.

What is this? Why do I felt like this?

Echoes of the Past [myungeun] ✔Where stories live. Discover now