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That night, Myungsoo can't sleep. Heck, how could he when he knew that Naeun wasn't safe? He needed to see him but he didn't know where he stayed.

God, this is frustrating. He grunted as he ruffled his already messy hair.

Just then, his phone rang. Without looking at the caller id, he answered it.

"Myungsoo..." came a soft and weak voice on the other line. His eyes widen in surprised.

"Naeun? Naeun! Where are you? Are you okay?" he didn't wait for a second to bombard her with questions.

A sob was heard and his heart shattered. "Myungsoo, I –"

"Oookayy, that's enough of lovey dovey for today,"

His grip on the phone tightened. "Shii," he growled.

"Aww Myungsoo, I surprised you know it was me!"

"What did you want with her?"

The other line chuckled. "Well, she's the bait for you to accept my offer,"

"Don't bull with me. I know you want the key," he said between his gritted teeth.

The line went silent for a moment. He could hear the sound of feet shuffling and her voice muffled – probably a tape was on her mouth. His heart was in pain hearing her like that.

"What key..." his voice was low, screaming danger.

"You know what key I'm talking about and it is with me. Son Hwijae, ring any bells?"


"How do you know about the key?" he spoke, still with the low voice.

"How I know doesn't matter but she didn't know a thing about the key. I will give it to you but you have to give Naeun back to me – alive."

The line was dead for a moment.

"Okay then, go to the hill tomorrow night at 11 – alone. I caught you bring someone then, she will be hurt."

And the line went off.

"Jeez, guys, why taped my poor little niece's mouth?" Shii spoke once he had put away the phone, coming closer to her. He crouched in front of her as he pulled the tape away from her mouth.

Naeun was in disbelief when she saw Shii walked in the room. One of her patient was the one behind this. He looked like someone who wouldn't done all of this – he looked like a nice man.

"I'm not your niece," she snarled once the tape was removed. A smirk was playing on his lips as he stood up.

"Wow, your father never mentioned about me – your uncle? I'm hurt," he mockingly said as he put his hand on his chest.

"Well, I guess this is the perfect time for story-telling! So, where do I begin?" he spoke as he paced around the four-wall-room.

"You see, your father and I were half-brothers. My father decided to marry his mom when I was about five years old and so was he. In an instant, we both clicked really well and felt like we're truly brothers."

"But, as we got older, my father started to acknowledge him. He started to pay attention more to his step-son rather than me – his real son. Yeah, yeah so, your father was smart, talented, dependable and responsible that I was like a shadow in the family."

"I tried hard for my father to look at me but it was never enough. My father gave our family company to him – and he's not even a Jung! I was furious, angry, in rage!" he clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white.

"He got married and his life was perfect except for mine. But, that perfect life didn't last long when his wife died in labor and he stepped down from his spot – that was one of my happiest moments in my life!"

Naeun's mouth trembles as she was holding in her anger. The man in front of her was crazy, psychotic.

"Then, my old man died and you know what? He had given his wealth to me, yes but that old man leaved a key to your father – and it's not any key but a key to a safe – where he kept another half of his fortune."

"I want that key but he wanted to play hard so," he casually shrugged as it seemed like nothing happened.

"Okay, enough of story-telling and here – " he snapped a finger and one of his men came in, bringing a bottle of drinking water and a wrap of bread. Another one untied the rope on her wrist, "- your meal for the day. Let's hope that boyfriend of yours keep his promise, okay my little niece?" with that, Shii and his men went out of the room, locking the door.

Her mind was blank. She tried to digest what he had just said.

What does he mean? Does the accident happen because of him?

Does my father died because of one key – because of him?


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