Chapter 20- Kidnapping... Literally

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Go to author note at the bottom to learn about the character making competition type thing.

Pipers POV (ahhhhhh switched it up!)

I woke up in the middle of the night laying next to Jason (yes we had cloths on ya perv)

I didn't know why I woke up, so I laid back down trying to go back to sleep when I heard a crash coming from what sounded like Selina and Luke's room.

I ran in and saw the one and only ice queen Khalone.

"Stop!" I said putting power into my voice, but all Khalone did was laugh.

"I have grown far more powerful sense the last time we met Piper McLean. I made sure of that."

Piper wondered what that could mean but before she had much time to think, many thing happened at once.

Khalone jumped out the window with Luke and Selina in her arms shattering the window in the process.

Piper held up her arms to protect herself before she felt something cold hit her chest and everything went black.

Jason's POV

I woke up and found Piper wasn't here so I assumed she was getting ready.

I walked out of my room to the hangout area seeing that's where Piper usually goes in the morning to watch TV, but still she wasn't there.

I sat on the sofa wondering where she was when I heard someone screaming from Luke and Selina's room.

I followed Percy and Nico in the room to find a wailing Annabeth on the floor (which Percy immediately ran to) a broken window (which Nico ran to to see if there was blood) and a FROZEN PIPER!?!?!

I sprinted over to her and touched her face and frost immediately started spreading across my arm causing my arm to shoot back.

I called for Leo and he ran in and sucked in a breath when he saw Piper.

Sure me and Piper where dating, but Leo and Piper have a friendship even I can't describe. He knew her before I did.

"PIPER??" Leo screeched and ran over to her instantly lighting his hands on fire and holding it near her body.

Slowly Piper began to melt.

After all the ice was removed Piper fell in a heap on the ground so I picked her up and laid her on one of the twin beds.

By that time all the demigods where in the room comforting one another.

Will inspected Piper and checked her pulse.

"It's there, but not as strong as it should be"

I ran over and did the only thing I could think of. I sent a shock through her and Wills eyes widened.

"Her heart beat is stronger than ever and she should even coming to."

I glanced down and saw he was right.

Piper sat up all groggy and Annabeth came rushing forward and engulfed her in a hug.

"Piper?? Are you ok what happened? Can you explain this?" Annabeth said sweeping her arm around to indicate the ruined room.

"Kh-Kh-Khalone.... Sh-she took"

Leo saw that she was shivering and wrapped her in a hug as she continued

"I woke up and heard a b-bang so u went t-to check it out. I found Kh-Khalone with Luke and S-Selina in her hands. I tried to stop her but she said she was more p-powerful now. She jumped out the window and froze me in the process."

Annabeth Wailed and Percy stood up anger boiling in his eyes.

"Come on" Percy said "we have to warn Dumbledore. No one hurts my family! This means WAR!" Percy shouted.

He stormed out and we followed.

Once we got to the great hall Percy stopped and took a deep breath, then opened the door.

Harry's POV

Ron and I where eating and talking wondering where the demigods where, when the great halls doors burst open and there stood a Furious looking Percy, a crying Annabeth, and from the rest was a mix between worry and fear as they glanced at Percy.

Percy walked up to the staff table turned to us and said "my children where taken from me last night by the snow goddess Khalone. No one hurts my family. This means war" Percy said deadly calm.

He then turned to Dumbledore and said "it's time Dumbledore." Causing Dumbledore to just nod.

Percy used his powers to create an Iris message and said "Oh Fleecy do me a solid and show me Chiron, camp half blood"

(Chiron had gone back to camp a few days ago. Something about the lava wall?)

Anyway! Chiron appeared jumping a bit but regained control "Chiron, Khalone has taken Luke and Selina. Bring the camps. There's going to be a war"


Another update for my beautiful followers and whoever else is reading this book!!

Seriously guys?? 509 reads?!? That's amazing thank you so much!

I love you all!

I'm thinking of adding in another main character so comment!

Tell me the following about your character and I might use it.

1. First and Last name

2. Are they a wizard or a demigod.

(For a wizard answer to letter A, if demigod answer to letter B. If no letter it doesn't matter)

3. Gender

4. A- what year are they in
B- how many years have they been at camp

5. A- Pureblood, Halfblood, or Mudblood
B- godly Parent (Greek or Roman doesn't matter)

6. Description (hair color, apearence, height etc.)

7. A- do they do well in school? What's there best spell?
B- what's there powers?

8. enemies?

9. What's there life at home? Caring family? Abusive family?

Please please please comment!! If I don't get any entries I'll make my own character.


Eat Blue Cookies!


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