Chapter 10- You are my Sunshine

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Nico's POV

I was so excited to see Will it's not even funny!

"Dude chill! Your ADHD is worse than mine right now! You can't stop moving." Leo said as we here heading to dinner.

"I can't help it! Wills coming!" I said

"Chiron never said if it was Will" Frank said.

"I know it is! I know." I said!

We entered the great hall and sat across from the golden trio.

"Bloody hell mate you look like your gonna explode!" Ron said as he stuffed his face.

"Ron don't be rude he's obviously excited!" Hermione said.

"Why are you so excited?" Harry said.

"You'll see" Percy said earning a glare from Harry.

Suddenly Dumbledore stood up and the hall fell into silence.

"There will be another exchange student arriving today!" Dumbledore said as the door burst open.

In walked Will and I could hear about every girl in the room sigh. Oh they had no idea!

"This is Will Solace and he will now be sorted."

Will walked up to the front and the hat was placed on him.

Suddenly the hat spoke "HUFF-" but it was stopped by Wills clear voice.

"Put me in Hufflepuff and I swear to gods you will never see the light of day again! Just put me in the same damn house as my boyfriend."

At the word boyfriend every girl groaned, but I did see some guys looking hopeful.

"Very well GRIFFINDOOR!" The hat said.

Will jumped down from the stool and I got up as heard a "no way" from Hermione.

I didn't care the whole school was watching I ran up to Will and kissed him full on the lips.

After we pulled apart and Will said "I missed you death breath" he said as to my surprise someone at the Slytherin table had the guts to shout "FAG!"

I walked up and said "would someone please point to me who the Hades said that?" And everyone quickly pointed at a guy in the center of the table.

"This students is why you do not cross the exchange students, especially Nico" Dumbledore said laughing a bit. He knew I wouldn't kill him, just scare the piss out of the kid.

I walked over to him and picked him up by the collar of his robes with one hand and held him above my head and gave him my medium death glare that made him shiver and said "I'll let you off this time but if I hear you mutter one bad word about me or Will being gay again I will send you to Hell understand?" I said, venom soaked in every word.

"Y-Yes!" He said.

"Good" I said then dropped him and walked back to Will and kissed him again aware the whole school was watching us.

"Gods Nico I though you where going to kill him for a second there!" Will said smiling.

"Next time" was all I said and led Will to our table and sat by Percy who gave me a fist bump.

"See students I told you, do not, an I repeat, do not get on these students bad side but now, DINNER!" Dumbledore said and sat.

Everyone dug into there food again except for the golden trio.

Hermione was the first to speak "that was amazing!"

I was slightly confused "what?" I said.

"It's awesome you have the bravery to just display your affection publicly and not care what others think!" She said.

"Wow thanks!" I said genuinely surprised. "That means a lot because at first I was like oh no people are going to think of me differently because now I'm some freak gay but I don't think anyone will mess with Will or I any time soon because if they do I will murder them." I said as I saw Hermione just nod in response.

"But seriously did you see that guys face? It looks like he just died!" Piper exclaimed.

"I think my big bro put him in line." Hazel said giving me a pat on the back.


After I showed Will our private area I saw Wills name printed in golden letters right next to my black ones over the door. We really where the exact opposite.

Will and I entered the room and an extra closet was added full of bright sunny cloths that Will would wear.

Warning! Make out scene ahead I'm only warning you because I suck at make out scenes so much! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!

"Now let's finish what we started." Will said pushing me against the wall shoving his lips onto mine.

I put my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss licking his bottom lip as me both opened up our mouths a little farther letting our tongues slip inside.

Will pushed me on to our bed that we would be sharing and I took off his shirt and he took off mine.

Suddenly the door burst open and I hear a scream and quickly push Will off of me and he lands on the floor.

Ok bad make out scene over sorry I've never made out with someone only read about it so I could only guess.

I look towards the door and see Percy Jason Annabeth and Hazel standing in the doorway.

Percy's arm was around Annabeth's shoulder while Annabeth's hands where covering Hazels eyes an Jason, well Jason just stood there smirking and gave me a quick thumbs up.

Percy finally spoke "we err wanted to see if you would like to train but I see your busy so well just goooo" and he closed the door and they all walked away and Wills head popped up from the side of the bed rubbing his forehead.

"Ok seriously? You just had to push me off?" He exclaimed while still holding his head.

"Sorry sunshine" I said as I gave him a smirk.

*********SKIPPING AGAIN**********

After we got ready for bed and both crawled under the covers I just peacefully lay in Wills arms thinking about the day.

Suddenly I hear myself singing.

"You are my sunshine"

"My only sunshine"

Then Will said

"You make me happy"

"When sky's are grey"

Suddenly we were both singing in perfect harmony.

"You'll never know dear"

"How much I love you"

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

"Hey Will?" I said turning my head so I was looking into his eyes.

"Hmm" he said.

"Your the reason I don't go to hell every day."

I saw him smile and say "your the reason I shine every day" before I slipped into a surprisingly dreamless sleep.


Ok guys I know this chapter is short compared to the other one but I only spent like a half hour in this because I was so excited to wright this!!

Any way I'm going to the Regional science fair competition tomorrow so I might get another chapter up because I'll have like 3 hours of free time while the other projects are getting judged.

Anyway I just wanted to say that I know there's not a lot of people who read my books but I'm so grateful for those of you who do read my books!

Eat blue cookies!!


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