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For heroes, death is never goodbye, only, I'll see you soon.

For some demigods, they wait there whole life to die, to be with those they love.

For some demigods, they die before they can meet someone to love.

And sometimes, on that very rare occasion, they chose rebirth and find each other again.

So for a demigod, death isn't goodbye

It's only


No ones POV

Frank didn't feel anything when he was dying, he only felt love.

Love for Hazel

Love for Her and only Her

Hazel was his one and only

He did this all for her

So it came of shock to him

When he was sent to the field of punishment for his sins

To rot there for all of eternity

Knowing Hazel is waiting for him

And knowing he'll never come

19 years later

Yes I did a J.K. Rowling

Annabeth and Percy smiled as they looked down at the little bundle of joy in here hands.

The child's name?

Hazel Olivia Jackson

There granddaughter


So that's my ending :)

I gave very little detail on the demigods life after Hogwarts for a reason

Use your imagination

Think of what happens next on your own

And thank you for sticking around

As I wrote my first book

Demigods At Hogwarts

Demigods At HogwartsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz