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It was Friday we took a day off school as we were moving today. New owners are coming in later and will pay the rest so we can pay the rest for our house.

I was packing my last things to the boxes, room got so empty,
the posters were off so the walls were blank.The only things left were bed,shelf and desk with the chair. This room have so much memories the first time I came here,our first time, all our fights and make ups.All the good and bad stuff.

I will miss this place. I am moving third time this year. I had four boxes by the door which two of them were Niall's stuff. I kicked them outside the door and took last look.

The memories floated through my head bringing a smile on my face even though some of them were sad memories. But the idea that we went through them makes me happy. I closed the door and stood there some sadness came over me. Maybe because we're leaving something that about a year ago gave me freedom.

"Ready?"I heard Niall asked me. I turned around and he hugged me straight away." Its time to make new memories" He said as he kissed the top of my head. I nod me head and pulled away. We took the boxes and walked downstairs.

Everyone was driving off in different cars and me,Niall and Harry were the last ones to leave. I took a last glance at the house before I hoped in to the front seat of the car and we drove off. I had a weird feeling like I left something there but It's just a temporary feeling , I am sure.

We parked our car and the gate closed behind us. Everyone was getting out of their cars and getting their stuff from the trunk.All of us had a our own keys to each door we need.

I never thought that walking up and down to our room with boxes can be so tiering. I walked to our room with last two boxes and placed them next to the other ones. Speakers were on around the house so where ever you go u can hear the music.

Liam and Niall left to the the old house as the new owners rang Liam and told him that they are coming now. I was just in our room unpacking stuff. I was nearly done when I found pictures from a photo booth on the bottom of the box. I was so surprised because we got them and then we got in a huge argument. Then I threw the pictures on to the ground and walked off. Do I thought he never picked them up.
I grabbed the picture and placed in a little notes holder that was on the desk and went back to unpacking.

After a short while I was finally done. It was 6:34pm and Liam and Niall weren't back yet and they left about more then an hour ago. I walked downstairs I walked to the living room Harry and Sophie were asleep on the couch. I turned off the Tv and covered them with blankets. I went for a glass of juice I look out the window and it was still bright outside.

I decided to go for a small walk and see the new neighborhood. I walk out the gates and turned right.After a while of walking it slowly started to get darker and I got lost. I thought this neighborhood was smaller. I was trying my best to find my way back. After another while it was dark and I was still lost. I could feel someone watching me which gave me shivers all over my body.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and called Niall.

N:Hey where are you?
M:Hi, I actually don't know
N: What do you mean you don't know Jade?
J: I went for a walk around our neighborhood and I got lost
N: Jade, how am I supposed to find you when you don't even know where you are
J:Niall I don't know but I am scared there is someone watching me.
N:What do you mean someone is watching...never mind me and Louis are coming looking for you stay where you are

With that he hanged up and left me alone. I sat down on the footpath and looked around me. After a while I felt anxious when I heard someone in the bushes across the road. I quickly stood up and took few steps back. To my luck Niall's car showed up at the start of the street. I looked at the bushes once again when a male figure ran out from it. He started to run opposite from the direction Niall was coming. I watched as he disappeared in to another street.

Niall's car stopped straight in front of me. Niall jumped out " Who was that" he asked. I shrugged as I actually had no clue.He hugged me and opened the back door for me and I got in.

Five minutes later we arrived home. I knew that the feeling I had for few weeks now it wasn't something I just made up. I slowly got out from the car and closed the door behind me.Niall and Louis were walking really slow and were whispering to each other. I quickly walked up the door and walk in. I kicked my shoes off, I heard that the Tv was on and I heard people talking.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my self water. I heard the front door closing so that meant Niall and Louis are finally inside. I was scared I don't know who it is, I don't know from when is he fallowing me, I just don't know anything and that's scary. I was brought back from my thoughts when someone called my name. I stood up and walked into the living room. Everyone was looking at me, I looked down and sat at the sofa chair. I pulled my legs up to my chest and looked up.

The Tv was now off and everyone except Zayn and Perrie weren't here.
They were out having the date night today. "I know you told us that you feel like someone is fallowing you but we never knew it's actually true. So from today on your not gonna be by yourself outside." Eleanor said. I looked around and everyone's eyes were on me so I just nodded. I saw in the corner of my eye that they were giving each other looks except Niall who was looking at me the whole time.

I looked at them and everyone was quiet. I stood up and held out my hand to Niall" Night guys and u coming"I said. Niall grabbed my hand fast and we walked up to our room.

We walked in and Niall closed the door behind us."Go on tell me how from the time I came into your life its such a mess"I said loudly after a while of Niall standing looking out the window. He slowly turned around I stood up and was now standing few steps away from him." I know you think that, I know from the time we are together I am nothing but trouble for you"I practically screamed. Niall didn't answer which made me anxious because I was expecting him to protest. I could people outside our room they aren't as quiet as they think. " Well I guess your agreeing with me."I said. Niall stood there with hands crossed over his chest looking me in the eyes.
I turned around I felt the tears forming. I flew the door open just to see everyone standing in front of me looking surprised." Bye" I managed to mumble and I ran downstairs and then from the house. I ran to the first bus stop and looked at the time. I found the  location and the time. To my luck the bus is gonna be here in few minutes.

Niall's P.O.V

I was just looking out the window when Jade exploded with "Go on tell me how from the time I came into your life its such a mess"She said very loudly. I slowly turned around trying to think through what she said. She started to say something but I wasn't listening.

She was right my life is such a mess from the time she is in it. I was so careless and didn't give a fuck about anyone except my friends. It's true I am tired of checking up on her every few days. We don't stuff like we used to but the thing is I love her and I actually don't mind leaving the way we do.But I wish I had a life like I used to as well.

Before I could do anything she opened the door just to see all of our friends looking at us. I heard mumble something and the she ran off. No one stopped her every one was just looking at me. I actually don't know what happened.

Jade's P.O.V

I was in the bus for a while now when it finally stopped. I walked out and said "Night" to the bus driver. I walked quickly to the house and knocked just to see sleepy Matt and Cam standing in front of me. They looked at each other and then back at me "Jade?"they said. I nodded and they pulled me into the house.

We sat at the sofas and I look quickly at the time since my phone died before I left. It was 11pm but how I asked myself." What are you doing here? What happened?" Cam asked. I took a deep breath and explained them everything. After I was done the first thing they did they threw themselves on me which made me laugh." Stay with us for now please"Matt said."You don't have to ask twice" I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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