16.Forgive and Forget

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I woke up tiered then ever, Niall's birthday party drained the energy out of me. The idea of school made me feel sick. I woke and got ready.

We were in the car on our way to school everyone was quite. We walked up to the gates and saw Bella,Emily and Amy standing with few boys. When Amy noticed us she whispered something and all of them looked at us." Wow your so low that you needed to become friends with our enemies?" I said as I stopped in front of her. She stayed quiet."Forget it Jade, she isn't worth it"Harry said."I know she isn't worth it, she used to though" I said and she looked at me. I leaned down." We were your family and you lost it you slut" I said a bit louder then a whisper.Only people close heard what I said. I looked into her eyes, I could see that she is holding back her tears. I felt bad but only for few seconds. Then I walked off to the others.

Me,Niall,Harry and Perrie were sitting in History. None of us were paying attention what Mr.Stewart was saying. I was leaning back in my chair looking at the ceiling. All I wanted was to get out from here.i hate. History like I just don't care.-
I started humming quietly under my nose. Niall heard me and start humming with me. I smiled at him." If you don't want to be here just leave" Mr.Stewart said looking straight at me and Niall. We looked at each other." If we did you would give us detention"I said." Probably but not today ye are disturbing the class so leave if ye wish" He said. Me and Niall gave each other's looks and stood up. We walked up to the door and turned around." Ohh come on I know there is way more people who want to get out of here, don't be shy." I said as I turn to the class. Niall chuckled next to me.Harry, Perrie and few other people stood up and walked up to us. I smiled and walked out with Niall and the others.

Lunch bell rang so me and Eleanor headed to cafeteria to meet up with the others." I just can't believe that she did that to Harry"Eleanor said as we were on our way to cafeteria."Me neither " I respond. We walked in and all of them were sitting at our table. Bella and her new group were sitting close to our table. Eleanor stopped by her "I just can't believe that I didn't see what a bitch you are"Eleanor said. She looked up slowly, she looked really sad. She stood up she turned to our table and looked at Harry."I am sorry ok,I regret it more then anything but I can't do anything. People make mistakes and I did one, I just hope one maybe one day. You will forgive and forget me Harry" She said looking straight at Harry I looked at Harry I expected him to walk away but no he looked like he doesn't care and kept on eating.Niall gave me a look and showed me to come over.

I sat next to him and he pulled me closer and placed his hand around my waist. He handed me chicken salad and orange juice. I gave him a small smile. As I hate when there is a lot of people watching me eat. I slowly start to eat and looked around if someone was watching me. To my surprise everyone was minding there own business even what happened few seconds earlier.

End of the school was coming I was at my locker and the others were outside waiting for me. I slammed my locker and walked to the front door. When I walked outside all of them were facing me. I started to walk down but then I saw a person behind them I froze in my steps. They all looked confused I took a step back staring into his eyes. Niall realize that I am looking behind them and turned around. When he saw what I saw he ran up to me and grabbed my hand. At this point everyone knew and were around me. There he was my dad standing with my mom to his left. I thought I would never see him again but there he was standing like nothing happened. He had smile on his face and so did my mom. I felt like crying I was terrified what's gonna happen next.

"Come to me darling"My dad said waving his hand showing me to come over. I stood there like he didn't say anything. His smile faded away and he had angry expression." Come here I said"He screamed. I flinched at the sound of his voice all the memories coming back."Who the fuck you think you are"Niall screamed holding me my hand really tight. Tear escaped my eye and slid down my cheek leave me feel weak." Me? I am her dad and you who are you?" He shouted."Me ? I am her boyfriend" Niall said loudly. My dad chuckled." Just leave and leave her alone"Liam said loudly. My dad chuckled"No, I love my daughter" my mom said. If she did she would never hurt me and then leave me."But I don't love neither of you" I screamed. My dad didn't care but my mom she looked surprised." Before you ran away you couldn't even speak up and now what you are screaming at your own parents" My dad said loudly with a smirk." Your bot my parents" I shouted I was getting a bit dizzy but the last thing I wanted was to passed out. They but looked shocked that I can stand up for myself. I started to walk to the car and the others fallowed me. As I was passing my 'parents' my dad pulled my arm. I quickly snapped it out from his grip and went back close to Niall. He gave me a death glare and as to my mom she looked sad. Niall quickly pulled me into his chest and start to walk away.

The ride home was quiet no actually knew what to say. I was speechless, I didn't knew if they are gonna leave me alone or keep on showing up in my life. I know I hope for the first option. I was off of thinking when the car stopped. I looked at the window and saw that we are home. I slowly crawled out the car avoiding any eye contact. I walk up to the door still keeping myself from making eye contact with anyone. Zayn opened the door I walked in quickly kicked off my shoes and walk in to the living room. I thrown my self on the couch and turned on " Geordie Shore". I heard them in the background making food or talking. After a while Perrie and Louis joined me and watched with me. The adds came on I slowly closed my eyes and before I knew it I was gone.

I woke up slowly and turned to my left. I felt a blanket over me and snuggled in even more. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that it was way darker now.After a while I sat up and looked around. Tv was on in the background and Eleanor was asleep on the other couch. I turned around and saw light coming out of the kitchen. I slowly stood up and walked to kitchen. As I got closer I hear someone talking. It was Niall and Liam. They weren't talking about anything in particular. I walked and and said"Hi". They turned around with smile on their faces." Hi sleepyhead" Niall said and held up his hand. I grabbed it and he hugged me tight. I smiled against his chest I really needed his hug. We stood there rocking from right to left for a while, Then Liam cleared his troth I chuckled and pulled away. 

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