Christmas break is here!

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Ever since Halloween, I have noticed something off about Remus. Every month he says that he is going home, because his mother is sick, and when he leaves, he is always very pale like he is getting sick. So I have decided that next time he is going to leave, I am going to follow him, to see if he really does go home, or if he does something different. I am starting to worry about him, and I don't want to pressure him into telling me what is going on, but I do want him to trust me enough to tell, what really is going on in his life. Maybe I will confront him when I see where he goes.

Anyway, over the past few weeks, Sirius and I have been hanging out a lot together. I haven't told anyone, but ever since Halloween, I have developed a small crush on him. He always seems in good mood, no matter what happens, he is always there to try to cheer you up, and if he succeeds in making you smile, then he does a small happy dance, just to make you laugh. But I don't think that he has the same feelings for me.

So far this year I have been doing very well in class, and it seems that all the teachers are liking me, and they probably expect a lot from me because I have been handing in all the homework a few days before they are supposed to be handed in. I also think that Professor Slughorn is secretly trying to collect me, but I don't really know, because that's what Greg said would happen if, Slughorn was impressed with a student of his. I don't really care what happens, if he collects me, then great, and if not, then it would not be the end of the world. Because I am not at Hogwarts to become a professor's favorite, I'm here to learn. The boys are starting to get creeped out about how much information I can keep in my head, always commenting on it. Remus even suggesting that I have some type of photographic memory, but that would be weird right?

Ever since Halloween, the pranks that the boys and myself do, have been getting more frequent, and everyone still has no clue that I join them, people just think that it's the boys, and that is exactly how I want it to be. I don't want to get a letter from my mother, saying that she will not have me doing pranks, so I will wait to let people know, that I am involved until I move in with Greg because I have a feeling that he will accept me for who I am, rather than my mother ever will. We have also been pranking Snivellus a lot more, and it looks like Lily does not like us for doing it, but she can't stop us. He does start a lot of the fights, even though he may not finish them.

Right now, I am sitting in the common room, on the couch, and looking at the fire, looking at how it moves around, and how it seems to never go out. Hearing some movement to my left, I look up to see James and Remus coming over. They seem very disturbed by something. "James, Remus, what's going on, why do you both look so weird, and like something has happened?" Remus looked at me, it seemed like he was trying to figure out the right words to say. "Sirius might have pranked Filch, but when he was getting away, he fell down the trap stair, on the moving staircase and is now in the hospital wing." I tried to process what he had just said, but instead of answering them, I ran out of the common room. I ran past Peeves, who looked like he was going to ask me something, but I just ignored him, I'll just ask him later what he wants. I had to go see how Sirius was doing.

I was standing outside the entrance to the Hospital wing, wondering if I should go inside, or if I should wait, but I can't wait until he comes back to the common room, so I open the door. And Madame Pomfrey is not there, so I walk further in, hoping to see Sirius, and I do, he is sitting in the bed and doing what looks like reading, but one can never be sure with this boy, although he means that he is a man, just because he has some admirers. I walk towards him, he probably heard me, because he looked up and smiled. He looked so cute, it was like he was trying to look innocent, but instead, he was looking pleased to see someone he knew. "Sirius, what the hell?" "I am fine, Pomfrey has fixed me, I just have to wait an hour before I can leave." He said it so casually, like being in pain was something he was used to. Like he grew up the same way that I did. "Sirius, what was it like being with your family?" I tried asking in the nicest way possible. "Well, I grew up like any pureblood Slytherin family grew up, hating everyone who wasn't pureblood, but something inside of me said that your blood didn't matter. It was how good at magic you were, but my parents never thought that, and it's going to be fun going home in the summer, and see what my mom will do." I processed everything he said and was about to answer him, but he asked me a question. "Why do you want to know?" I thought about how I was going to answer him. "I was wondering because growing up, it was usually just my brother, my mom and myself because my father was always away for work. And if we did anything wrong, my mom would punish us, it would always be painful. So I was wondering if it was the same for you?" I asked, trying not to think about all the things my mother would do. Sirius took my hand in comfort and then answered me. "Well, if I did anything my mom didn't like, she would lock me inside my bedroom, until I begged to come out, but after a few years, I just couldn't be bothered. You're afraid to see your mom again aren't you?" I looked at him with wide eyes, I was hoping that he would not get why I was asking him this. I nodded. "Yes, I am terrified of what my mom will do when I see her again, because look what she made Greg do, I am just wondering what could be next." There were now tears starting to form in my eyes, and of course, Sirius had to notice, because he moved a bit over so that I could sit with him. I moved over to the bed and laid down beside him. He put his arm around me and started playing with my hair. We ended up talking about everything in our lives, from what we like, all the way to hobbies and more. After our talk, I fell asleep, not realizing it until Sirius woke me up, saying that he could leave the hospital wing. While he gathered his things, I was trying to wake up. I couldn't remember when I fell asleep, so I started analyzing everything that happened after we finished talking. "Hey Robyn, stop over-analyzing, and let's go back to the common room." I was shocked, by what he said. No-one has ever noticed that I over-analyze things. "How did you know that  I over-analyze things?" He looked amused by my question, but instead of answering me, he took my hand, for the second time this afternoon, and brought me outside of the Hospital Wing. And we were on our way, back to the common room. But before we could go inside the door. I stopped Sirius and asked him again. "Sirius, how did you know? No-one has ever noticed before." He turned towards me. "When we first met, you would sometimes go into thought, but you didn't have the normal thinking look, it was something different. So I started noticing whenever you went to wherever you go when you start over-analyzing. And I eventually caught on." I looked at him once again shocked, I started wondering what to answer back but came up empty-handed. "Robyn, do you really think that none of the people that you have in your life wouldn't notice?" I nodded, thinking back to when I was a child, all those times, my mother would lock me in my room, keeping me there for days on end. Suddenly I was thrown into a flashback to when I was six years old. I had just lost my second tooth, I was so proud, when suddenly my mother came into my room, she was furious, because she meant that I had taken the last cookie. But I remember that I couldn't understand, why she would be mad for something as small as that. She left the room after she had made me swear that I would never take the last cookie ever again. But she didn't just leave the room, she locked it, with magic. I was there for seven days, without any food or any kind of drink. It was then that I started over analyzing everything in my life, I started questioning if my family was my real family, or if I was adopted.

Suddenly I was pulled out of my thought bubble. Sirius looked at me with curiosity and sadness. But I couldn't hear what he was saying, because I could feel myself having a panic attack. I haven't had one since the summer. Because the boys have been a distraction. It was like Sirius knew that I was having one, because he picked me up and brought me inside the common room, and I could feel myself be put onto the couch, by the fire. But I couldn't fight the urge to consume to the darkness, so that's exactly what I did.

I could feel myself gaining consciousness, I opened my eyes, looking at my surroundings. Seeing that I was now in the boy's room, I felt myself relax. "Hey Sirius, mate, she's awake." I could hear James say. Suddenly there was a movement to my left. Sirius was now standing there, instead of James. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes told a different story. After the boys asked what had happened, and we had all talked about it, we moved on, as nothing ever happened, just how I like it. They know when to comment and when not to.

It's been a few weeks, since that incident, and we have done so many pranks in the meanwhile. Next week, will be Christmas break, and Remus, Peter, and James are going home, but Sirius and I are staying at Hogwarts. For a week now, James has been asking Sirius, if he didn't just want to come home with him, but each time, he refused his offer, saying that he did not want to interrupt their Christmas traditions. Only I knew, that he didn't want to leave me here alone, knowing that Greg was expected at home for Holidays.

The following week, was pretty boring. Professors were giving all of us, tons of homework for the week and even for the holiday. I had nothing much to do, as the boys and I were not planning anything major prank wise. So I opted to do everything now, instead of waiting until the last minute. The last day before the holidays started, I decided to hand in all the assignments when I was done, just so I didn't forget later.

It was now time to say goodbye to the three boys that were going home. For some reason, James just had to ask if Sirius was sure about staying. Sirius let out a frustrated sigh, saying yes, for the thousand times, in just two weeks. You see, Sirius is the only one who really knows what goes on at the Caedem household, but the boys only know what goes on in the Black household, and it's not because I don't trust them, it's just that I'm not ready to tell them. I only told Sirius, because he can relate to what I have been through. Coming out of my thought bubble. We said goodbye. Wishing each other a Merry Christmas. Sirius and I couldn't wait for what was to come in the break. And then I just realized that I can't find out, why Remus always goes away or "home" every full moon, but then as soon as I thought about full moons I realized, why.

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