U n e x p e c t e d L o v e - 14

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"Come on Vanessa, we can't be late for this ship!" Justin said. "Justin, I'm coming you know I hate it when you rush me, it only makes me go slower!" "Whatever, just hurry up okay so we can get out of here" Justin said.

I grabbed my last suitcase and handed it to the driver, he putted it in the trunk and closed it and me and Justin got into the car. We sat down and I snuggled into Justin's shoulder.

"Ah, I can't wait till I'm at paradise!" I said, I looked up at Justin and he was smiling at me, I'm guessing he was excited like I was. I really couldn't wait, I was jumping inside. I smiled back and put my head back down on his shoulder.

"So, what are we going to do while we are there?" He said, that question froze me because I never even thought about that. I just wanted to get away from the stress, yesterday's was Justin's last concert for awhile so he gets to spend some time with me.

I got up from Justin's chest and said "Idk, uh I guess we will find something there. If not, then well I don't know what to tell you" I chuckled and turned my head to look out the window.

"Babe?" Justin asked, I turned to look at him and he had a cute but sad puppy dog face on.

"What?" I said and then I smiled at the cute face Justin was making, no matter what Justin said or did he was always cute at doing it and that was a true fact.

"Why aren't you snuggling with me anymore? I miss your head on my shoulder" Justin said, I smiled and leaned back down and put my head on his shoulder. Justin wrapped his arm around me and I felt my eyes getting heavy.

"Can I go to sleep? Or do you want to talk or anything?" I said, hoping he really wouldn't. I honestly just wanted to sleep, I was mentally and physically exauhsted from how hectic this week has been. I knew Justin felt the same way.

"Sure" Justin said, I looked up at him and leaned up and gave him a gentle peck on the lips. Justin smiled and bit his lips and I placed my head back down on him and slowly went to sleep.

"Vanessa, wake up babe" "What?!" "We are at where our cruise is going to be, come on" "Can you carry me?" I questioned. "No, babe we need to get going" "Okay Justin, I know your probably lying to me but whatever" I chuckled and sat up from out of the car.

Justin opened the door and got out and then ducked down to look at me as I came out of the door, he closed it shut behind me and my driver popped the trunk and was giving our stuff to us. Justin grabbed one of my suitcases and I grabbed 2 of mines.

Mines had rollies so I put them on there and dragged my suitcase on the wood plank walking to my boat, I turned around to see Justin looking at the ground while carrying his stuff also. "Babe, is everything okay?" I questioned. "Yeah babe, everything's fine" "I just didn't get any sleep, that's all"

I turned back around and then I saw the security guard. He looked at me and Justin and said "Do you have your passports?" "Yes sir" Justin grabbed them out of his pocket and handed it to the man, he observed them and handed it back to Justin and threw his hand back signaling for us where to go.

"Thank you" I muttered under my breath. "Your welcome, ma'm" I heard him mutter back, I smiled at his genoristy and sure enough there were people who noticed Justin. "OH MY GOD, IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!" a girl shouted out. He dropped his bags and went over to hug her and then picked his stuff back up and we kept on walking.

A man got infront of Justin and said "Mr, Bieber. We have some where reserved for you since there are probably going to be some fans around here and I don't want them bothering you, so you guys can follow me" He turned his head and looked at me and smiled then turned on his heels and we started following him.

We walked up some stairs and we were on the level right before the top level, we had a full suite. He handed us our keys and Justin put the key in the door and we walked in. My mouth dropped into a big 'o' at how big our suite was.

They had everything set up for me and Justin, a radio, wine glasses, a nice bed with roses made into a heart, nice soothing music playing on the radio. Wow, when they really said they something is reserved they really mean that it is 'reserved'

I set my suitcases down and plopped down on the bed, I threw my hands up and let them plop down also. "What are you doing?" Justin looked up at me with a confused face. "I'm relaxing" "Do you want me too come relax with you?" "Sure" I said, Justin put his stuff down and gently came and cuddled with me on the huge bed.

Later that night after me and Justin went to sleep together, I woke up and the room was dark. "Jusitn, wake up" I tapped his head, I thought he would have been awake by now. 

"Uh, what? You know I'm tired" Justin said, I knew he was but god I wanted to do something. Adventure on this boat since we are on here instead of just sitting in this big but boring suite all day. 

"Let's go do something" I said, I pushed his head to the side and off of my chest and slid from under the covers and walked over to the bed and cut the lights on, I opened the closet to find it empty. I started to freak out and looked down and saw that we put our bags on the floor. I walked over and kneeled down to my bag and unzipped the zipper and opened it up and pulled out a tank top and some shorts. 

"Are you ever going to get up Justin?" I said, I looked up to find him still snoring on that bed. It was useless trying to get that boy up, I chuckled and put my bag in the closet and closed the closet back and then turned around and went in the bathroom. I changed into my clothes, and then came out to see my full body in the mirror. The outfit, was okay. I've seen myself wear better things though. 

I sighed in frustration because Justin wasn't getting up at all no matter how many times I had asked him too, "JUSTIIIIIN, GEEETTTTT UPPPPP!" I playfully shouted. Justin stirred and then groaned and turned his whole body around to look at me.

"Why can't I just sleep? I need sleep too" Justin said, that made me a little pissed and I sucked my teeth at how Justin just wouldn't budge to go with me. 

"Whatever then Justin, I'll just go by myself" I said, I looked over at the desk and saw where I left my key at. I reached my arm over and grabbed it and then turned on my heels and walked over to the door. I hesitantly put my hand on the knob and turned it, the door opened and I stepped out of the room and then closed it and let go of the handle.

"Babe, wait up!" I heard Justin say while he was still in the room. The door flew open and I looked to see Justin rushing over to me. "What? Oh so now you want to get up?" "Yeah, I don't want you mad at me for something that I could have prevented" Justin replied. 

"Oh, mhm your very smart" I say sarcastically. "Yeah, I know its in my genes" I laughed, it was sometimes funny when Justin was being a sarcastic asshole. "Ha, whatever you say Mr. Bieber" I started to skip down the hallway. "Hey, can you stop walking so fast!" Justin yelled from behind. 

"No, I'm fine. I'll think I'll just skip some more, it seems fun" I chuckled. "God, you are so mean" "No, I'm not Justin. I had to literally make you get out of bed so you could spend some time with me" "You know I'm tired and like I said before I was really preventing an argument from happening" Justin said. 

"Ha, I was just kind of frustrated that's all. It's not like I would have broken up with you over something so petty like that" I said to him, I stopped skipping and started walking the same pace as Justin. 

"That's good babe, now let's go find something to do" Justin said, I just kept on walking.

We finally made it up to the top where all the games were at, people were at the casino and some old people were playing board games. "God, what is there to do? Everything seems occupied" I said. 

"Duh, that's why we should have stayed up there" Justin muttered. 

"Watch it"

We saw a place reserved for me and Justin already, we went over and they had a bed that we could lay on and some soda's to drink and some nice food waiting for us, I smiled at how these people were really thinking good for us. 

I sat down on the bed and grabbed my plate, it had crabbed legs that were already cracked for me and a little cup of butter sitting on the plate with some french fries and a some filemenon. (However you spell it, I don't know) 

Me and Justin just went on and enjoyed our beautiful night with a beautiful view. 

Unexpected Love (Justin Bieber Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now