U n e x p e c t e d L o v e - 4

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After awhile of her still flirting with Justin I got a little annoyed, I didn't say anything because I didn't wanna come off as jealous. I was the jealous type and I was so in denial to admit it. I liked Justin but after seeing what just happened I knew he didn't feel the same way. Lets face it, I was ugly. I'm guessing last night when we cuddled didn't mean anything to him or when we kissed, none of it did. He was playing with me.

I felt the tears coming but I just blinked them away, a voice kept thinking in my head: Don't cry. Don't cry. I was stronger than this. After awhile of Selena flirting with Justin she left to go hang back with her friend's. I was so disgusted with Justin.

He sat back down, he was smiling like there was no tomorrow. I looked at him and then rolled my eyes, since I didn't cry. It turned into anger, I took the last bite of my burger and then folded my arms against my chest. I was ready to go home!

I'm guessing I was more hungry than I thought I was cause when I looked at everyone else, they were still eating. Sooner or later, I was gonna snap. I don't know who it was gonna be on, I had a short temper. I needed to cool down somehow.

I sat my head down to relax, this was my only way I knew of that could potentially cool me down from not snapping on anyone or anything.

"What's wrong Vanessa?" I heard a familiar voice say, it was Justin. I pulled my head up and he was staring into my eyes.

"Nothing" I turned my head away, he knew something was wrong. I looked up to see Justin had a confused face on, he knew something was up. He was probably going to ask me about it later on tonight if I'm not already sleep.

After we left, we all got back in the car. Everyone was in a great mood but me, it's weird how my moods could change so quickly just by little small situations. I sat in the backseat while everyone else was either in the middle or the front. I put my head on the seatbelt and stared out the window, my eyes soon started to get heavy but I couldn't go to sleep.

We arrived at the house and I got out and walked in, everybody came rolling in 10 seconds later. I ran upstairs and went into my room and slammed my door, I just wanted to go to sleep. I felt horrible, my door knob twisted. It was Justin who came in.

"Yo, what the fuck is your problem?" Justin said, he knew something was up. How deep and bold his voice got made my body tense up, he wanted to argue then I was gonna argue. I was mad too.

"You were fucking flirting with your ex right infront of me! You were just making out with me at the pool yesterday! Justin you need to stop do we have something or do we not?" I yelled.

"I don't have time for this shit, it was in the moment thing seriously! Did you really think we had a thing? HA! I was being nice to you by letting you stay with me but if your gonna act like this you can just leave" he pointed his finger out through the door.

I looked at him, I could feel the tears streaming down my eyes now, I ran out of the room and then down the hallway and out of the house. I could feel Justin chasing after me, I don't know why? He got what he wanted.

"Vanessa, I-I didn't mean it! Please! I really didn't mean it!" He got closer and pulled my arm, I jerked his hand off of me, he was being an absolute douche and he knew it. I needed to go, I wanted to leave. I knew this wasn't right.

I found a tree and went and sat down and cried my eyes out, I just let it all fall out. He was being so disrespectful towards me. Those words kept ringing in my head 'If you're gonna act like that then you can just leave' wow.

I felt Justin eyes beaming on me, I turned around and he had a sad puppy face on. His eyes were red so I don't even know if he was crying or not but what for? He should be the one all happy that he just played with my feelings.

I felt arms wrap around my legs and my back then I felt my feet dangling down, I saw that I was in Justin's arms. He was carrying me back to the mansion. I looked up at his face and he noticed and looked at me and smiled. I put my face back in his chest, inhaling his fresh cologne. It smelt so good. My eyes started getting heavy.

I woke up to Justin's arm around me, it was 10:00 just an hour after the incident, I put Justin's arm on his chest and put one leg out to go to my room. He grabbed my leg and pulled me closer to him.

"Babe, what are you doing?" He said, I turned around so I can face him. His brown orbs were staring right into mine, he had a half smile on his face.

"I was gonna go back to my room since uh I know you probably don't wont me in here since ya know people who sleep in the bed are labeled as more than friends" I putted air quotes on the 'more than friends'.

He gave me a confused look and then said "Uh, well I was really sorry about me being mad and yelling at you, I really didn't mean it and I kinda wanna be just more than friends with you"

"Are you serious this time or are you just giving me mixed signals here?" I said, Justin chuckled and just stared into my eyes and leaned in and kissed me.

After 2 minutes of intensely making out I got on top of him and started grinding on his 'You know what' he let out a sexy groan and I moaned it felt sooooo good. After awhile I took his shirt off and felt on his abs while still kissing and grinding on his hard member.

"Woah, woah don't start something you can't finish" Justin said in between each kiss, I chuckled and then gave him one last long kiss and then laid back beside him.

I put my head on his chest while Justin ran his fingers through my hair and sang 'Heartbreaker' in my ear, his voice was so heavenly that it put me to sleep.

Unexpected Love (Justin Bieber Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now