U n e x p e c t e d L o v e - 13

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I turned to see Savannah, I was so disgusted with her. Why couldn't she just go somewhere else?  


"Excuse me, what do you want? I am so done with you!" I shouted at her, she stood there with a 'wow I'm caught' face.  


"I can explain, I was only doing it to see your loyalty as a bestfriend" she said, that was so much bullshit she was giving me. Neither did any of us had time to hear it.  


"Please Savannah, I knew you were low but I didn't know you were that low! Have a good life because I'm done being your bestfriend. You've been a backstabbing bitch mutiple times but you have crossed the line by lying on my boyfriend" I said with anger in my voice, god. I just wanted to punch her in the face, that would let all my anger out.  


Savannah started crying and I looked at her faking like I actually had some sympathy for her. Why would I even? She was really irritating me with her presence at the moment. I noticed that she was fake crying.  


"Oh please, stop it right now!" I said, Savannah just kept on crying. "I'm sorry, I was such a bad friend" "Save it! Remember the last time you pulled this shit off?" "Yes, but-" "But WHAT?! There's nothing you can do to solve this one Savannah, you're dead to me!"  


"Babe calm down" Justin said as he walked over to me and rubbed my arm. I immideatly got pissed and slapped it off. 


"Why should I need to calm down? Do you see what she's doing? She's trying to break us up for no reason at all!" I shouted, I had to get myself together. 


I pushed her aside and grabbed Justin's hand as we made our way back to our room hoping that nobody would be there when we get back. 


We made it to our room and I looked up at Justin as he grabbed our key out of his pocket and pushed it into the key slider and opened the door to find Scooter and Fredo playing video games while sitting on the bed.  


"What the hell are y'all doing? Get out!" I said in a sassy voice hoping they caught my drift and would get out.  


"What's wrong? Somebody hurt your feelings" Alfredo replied as he turned his head around to me and made a sad crying face.  


"Ha that's funny your making fun of me crying but your girlfriend crying because of the no good bitch she really is" I said.  


"Don't ever talk about my girlfriend, nobody EVER gave you the right!" He spat back at me, scooter sat and stopped playing video games trying to absorb me and Fredo's argument.  


"Where is she?!" Alfredo said as he snapped back out of his 'asshole' personality and back to his 'nice guy' mode again. I was so tired of him, also.  


"Probably down the hallway crying like how she approached me and Justin" I said.  


Fredo threw the remote on the bed and walked across the room and opened the door and left, I turned my head to watch him just incase he did anything slick.  


We heard the door close and I walked over to the bed and plopped down on it, Justin walked over and grabbed the controller pressing the play button to resume the game.  


"So, is everything okay?" Scooter said as he was playing the game, I rolled my eyes at the question. He knew that we didn't make up that fast.  


"No, not really. Savannah was lying about Justin and Selena. She needs to go" I said with some authority in my voice hoping Scooter caught my drift. 


"Well, do you really think Fredo is going to let that happen?" Scooter asked, as he stopped the game and turned around to look at me.  


"I don't know, what does he even see in her. She's so rude, I just don't get it" I said as I sighed in frustration. My mind was going crazy at the moment and I seriously needed a break. 


Scooter caught my drift obviously and said "Well, I'm going to go now! I'm glad we had this meeting" he got up and sat the remote control down on the bed and proceeded to the door.  


"I'm glad he left" I said, Justin stopped the game and turned around to look at me and then started smiling at me. God, this boy was weird. 


"Me too, but can you calm it down a little? It's my manager" Justin laughed, I sighed at everything. It seemed like everybody wanted to do something with me.  


"Justin, can I ask you something?" I said nervously because I was about to ask something very risky.  


"Yeah, babe. You know you can ask me anything" he said as he kept playing the video game. I watched him play and then I said it.  


"Can we like go on a vacation? Like to get away? The Bahamas? Anything is fine with me" I said hoping Justin would agree.  


"Yes babe, I would really need that also! I mean like I've been so stressed with everything that's going on and I haven't go to spend as much time with you anymore like I used to" Justin said, he turned off the remote control and came over and gently pecked my lips. 


Our tongues were fighting for dominance, none of us backing down. I wasn't going to stop whatever Justin had up his sleeve, I needed it.

Unexpected Love (Justin Bieber Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now