U n e x p e c t e d L o v e - 11

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I woke up early in the morning, I checked my phone and saw that it was 9am. Justin was already at the studio and I grunted because I overslept. I kind of wanted to go with him, but whatever. After awhile, I got out of bed and decided to go get something to eat. Stripping out of all my clothes I leaned in and turned the shower head on and got in.

The hot water felt so good on my body, after I showered and washed my hair I got out of the shower. Sighing because I had to now pick something to wear, I never looked good in anything so this was going to be a hard job to do. Opening up the closet, I searched my through to find something. ANYTHING.

After awhile, I finally found something to wear. Crop top and some black leggings, the usual I thought to myself. I tryed it on and examined myself in the mirror. It looked good for a lazy day; which is what I planned on having today.

I plopped down on the bed and then saw the remote and reached for it so I can find something good to watch on T.V., after awhile I got stressed out and decided that I'll just watch some marathon on netflix. Finally, I found a good show that was my favorite called the 'Bad Girls Club'. Even though they were always fighting, I've always had a thing for reality tv.

Clicking it, I started watching the first episode on season 1, there was like 10 season's so that would keep me company on my lazy day. First episode and the girls were already fighting like dogs. "What the hell is going on?" I muttered to myself.

After awhile, I got bored of the constant partying, drinking, and fighting so I decided to get my lazy butt up and go somewhere. My stomach growled indicating that I needed to get something to eat.

Grabbing my hotel key, I walked to the door and opened it and shut it. As I got on the elevator, I pressed the button to go up to Savannah's room. The elevator door opened and I got out so I could ask if she wanted to hang out.

As soon as I was walking to her and fredo's room I remembered what happened last night when Justin and I went to go check up on her to see if she was still feeling shook up from earlier that day.

I sucked on my teeth and turned on my heels and muttered "Forget her, if she wants to come and speak to me she needs to. I'm not making any effort to fix anything that isn't my fault" I rolled my eyes as I walked back to the elevator door.

The elevator door opened and a tall boy was going down, we were the only people in elevator. "Hey ma" he said as he smirked at me "Leave me the hell alone, okay?" "Oh, so your playing hard to get, huh?" "I don't want you!" I yelled.

The elevator door opened and we both walked out, I walked really fast away from him. He didn't follow me, thank god he didn't. I opened the door and left to go walk to the sandwich bagel place.

Crazy fans were everyone just shouting out my name. "VANESSA!" "HOW IS JUSTIN?" "GET OFF MY IDOL YOU SLUT" I laughed at the 'slut' part. Funny thing was that I was a virgin so I'm confused on how I was one but whatever, all I know was beliebers were protective over Justin.

I made my way on to the bagel place, some fans were outside of the window but I didn't care though. I walked up to the lady and said "Can I get a turkey sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo" she smiled and told me my total. I gave her the money and she gave me my sandwich. I walked out and decided to sit down at the table and have like a little meet and greet with the beliebers, I was in a good mood anyways.

Unexpected Love (Justin Bieber Love Story / Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now