Chapter 17: No more secrets (final chapter)

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* As you can see in the title this chapter will be the last chapter of this story. I hope those who's been reading has enjoyed this .xx * 



For the rest of the day – and night – the males kept on talking for hours and hours, just like how they always used to whenever they were together. They were back to being the best friends they were since the first day they met coincidentally, and how they got along so quickly.

How much they missed this. Baekhyun couldn't help but to keep on grinning like he was the happiest human being on earth, and the same goes for Chanyeol. He doesn't hate me, kept on repeating in his head happily, he really doesn't hate me any longer.

Whenever the males were alone, they would get even more affectionate than when the members were around.

"Come on, I want to show you something", Chanyeol smirked. Baekhyun remembered in the past that Chanyeol always used to say that to steal a kiss from him; he did it so often it actually became a habit for him. Did he do it on purpose, or was it just coincidentally? When Baekhyun went closer to Chanyeol to know what he wanted to show him was, and it was just as expected; he kissed him, sweetly and passionately – long and lovingly.

"I see you're quite friendly", Jongin teased the males the next day as they wouldn't even separate from each other. Obviously Kyungsoo had told Jongin what Baekhyun told him, and they must assume they weren't angry with each other anymore.

Even after weeks had gone by, Kyungsoo and Jongin hadn't heard from them at all; even the other members started to wonder why they wouldn't even let the other go to the toilets alone.

"Don't you find it suspicious?" Kyungsoo asked Jongin one day, weeks after, when they were alone in the dorms as the other members were out at the moment.

"Yeah", Jongin agreed, "should we go to their room?" he asked cheeky.

Kyungsoo's eyes wide and he quickly nudged the younger. "What are you talking about? We can't do that", he protested, but the temptation was too much for him when Jongin was already on his way to Baekhyun and Chanyeol's shared room. As the two forbidden males entered the room, they immediately searched the room for clues. Kyungsoo had given up and waited to Jongin to follow him outside with him when they couldn't find anything.

"Hyung", Jongin called him when he stood by the drawer in between the beds. "What's this?" he asked innocently and handed it to the elder when he approached behind him. Kyungsoo grabbed it to take a closer look at the box.

He almost dropped it in surprise, but managed to put it back where it belonged.

"Lube", he muttered, causing Jongin to flush madly, and the two boys to disappear from the room.

When all the members had gathered at their dorm, Baekhyun and Chanyeol intertwined their hands together as they stood up to stand in front of everyone together.

"We have something to tell you guys", Baekhyun started, causing Kyungsoo and Jongin to stare at them intently. "Chanyeol and I have been holding a secret for you, and we're truly sorry about that, and that's why we're going to tell you everything now".

Baekhyun stopped and instructed Chanyeol to continue, ignoring the staring of confusion and curiousness from their members. "Actually, when we were all gathered at first, it wasn't our first meeting", Chanyeol started their story, causing everyone to furrow their eyebrows, but remained silent for them to continue. "Baekhyun and I were ex boyfriends before with a little harsh past because of complications and misunderstandings and that sort of ruined our friendship here. We wanted to keep it a secret at first, but later realised how we were wrong", Chanyeol explained.

The two males went into detail so they wouldn't leave anything out.

"Wait, you said were ex boyfriends?" Joonmyun asked confused. "What do you mean were?"

"That's the other thing we wanted to tell you", Chanyeol started.

"And we decided to accept each other was the secrets and truth had been revealed as we still have feelings for each other, so we'd like to stay together again. We're asking for your approval", Baekhyun finished. After he was done talking, everyone's jaws had dropped, except from Kyungsoo and Jongin of course, since they obviously knew they weren't just friends after witnessing what they found in their room. "Will you accept us to be together?" he asked when no one was talking; only silence could be heard.

"I knew there was something with you guys!" Jongdae suddenly started yelling whilst running up to them with a hug. "You're not good at keeping secrets you know", he chuckled.

"Y-You aren't mad at us?" Baekhyun asked surprised with just as wide eyes as Kyungsoo.

"Of course not, it's your decision in telling us or not", he laughed whilst nudging them both. "Besides, your happiness is the most important here".

Baekhyun couldn't hold back his happy tears when Jongdae squeezed him in his hug. "Thank you", he smiled, and not long after the rest of the members had the exact reaction as Jongdae, all happy for them.

"Although I accept your relationship, keep in mind that it should be official to the public", Joonmyun said sternly, "don't you agree?"

Both the males nodded, happy for their friends, members, and also family, to approve of them for who they are and when they were together.

The end. 


* I'd love to read comments on your guys' thoughts of this story. I appreciate all comments. Thank you so much for reading guys, I love you all .xx * 

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