Chapter 3

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Rory in human form ^

~Kade's POV~

"Where the hell is Rory?!" I was starting to get pissed. First the bastard gets ahold of my phone and sets '"I'm A Barbie Girl" as my alarm then I get all ready to go but he hasn't even shown up, leaving me waiting for the last four hours.

Pacing, I growled, causing Jasper, who was making breakfast, to snicker. I sent him a glare and he raised his hands in defense with a grin. Rory decided to walk in at that moment, still in his pajamas and looking like a zombie.

Feeling my glare, he turned to me. It took a moment for him to focus enough to make a coherent sentence, "Ahh.... morning Kade... what are you *yawn* doing up so early...?"

"Early?! It's past noon Rory!" He paused to glanced at the stove clock.

"Ahh... so it is." Jasper sets down a plate of scrambled eggs and french toast before me and holds another out to Rory who goes to grab it.

"Why the fuck are you making breakfast now Jasper?" Not that I was complaining. I haven't had breakfast yet since I thought I would hunt while patrolling.

"Cause this guy gets up so late but demands breakfast or he won't work." He shook his head with a sigh, "If it wasn't for Eric spoiling him I wouldn't."

It was true, Eric did spoil Rory. It wasn't just because they were brothers. Rory, though he could make you want to commit murder at times and suicide during the others, was someone you couldn't hate. He was really easy going and could bring even the most gloomy person into a smile. Everyone saw him as a little brother and, even though we were the same age, I did as well.

"Don't lie, you love me," Rory replied cheekily to which Jasper responds by smacking him upside the head. I watched their exchange with amusement, the anger already flowing out of my body as I dug into the food. You just can't be anything but happy eating Jasper's cooking.

Jasper was similar to Rory in the sense that you couldn't dislike either of them. That was where the similarities ended though. Where Rory was loud and bold, Jasper tended to stay quiet, choosing to stay out of the spotlight. Plus, Jasper could cook. Rory on the other hand was forbidden from going into the kitchen unless it was to eat. He was also banned from the armory and garage too due to... a couple, 'small' incidents.


I literally dragged Rory out after making him get ready. He cussed and squirmed, trying to get away, but I won in the end. Now we were shifted and running to meet up with Shelby, who was also on patrol duty.

I kept glancing at Rory as we ran, making sure he didn't fall behind. It's not like he'd skip out, he was actually a really hard worker once he woke up, but he was small compared to me so I had to make sure not to go so fast.

Looking at him anyone could see the similarities between him and the Alpha. Like Eric, Rory had dark fur that shown brown when hit with light and had amber eyes. If not for the scent and the size, you couldn't tell them apart.

Maaaaan, I have to fix the roof after patrol.... Rory started to complain. It was due to a recent firework incident that he swears he wasn't even close to. Seems that Eric decided that fixing it, and doing patrol every other day, was his punishment for almost burning down the house.

He was trying to get me to convince Eric to let him off when we caught up to Shelby.

Hey, guys, right on time. I sent Rory a glare but he was suddenly super interested in a mushroom.

Yeah, if I would've known that we didn't have morning patrol I would've slept in. There was an amused twinkle in her eye.

Well let's get going, we're only doing the east border today and then meet up with Eric. After a nudge to Rory, we started at a light run.


It took us a little under an hour to patrol the eastern border. It was mainly due to Rory going so slow. He kept complaining about how we teamed up with his brother to kill him.

Seriously, though! I know I'm hella sexy, but that doesn't mean you all have to follow my brother in plotting my downfall. There's enough of Rory for everyone!

What is it that I'm supposedly plotting? Eric suddenly asked as he appeared from behind a group of trees.

Oh, nothing, just how you want me out of the way because everyone wants my body. Rory hummed causing Eric to snort. I was about to tell him that he was full of shit when the wind suddenly shifted. It smelled like the forest but had a strangely sweet twist. Mouth watering, I spun around, intending to follow it to the source.

Ah! Kade, it's nothing to worry about, just a lone wolf. Eric reassured me. When I didn't acknowledge that I heard him he and the others followed.

My pace quickened as the scent got stronger until eventually the others had to run to keep up. Rory almost collided into me when I stopped suddenly at the edge of a clearing.

In the shade opposite of me lay a wolf with a pelt of white and auburn.

He turned to look at me, suddenly sensing my presence, and I locked gazes with a pair of breath taking eyes that seemed to have every shade of blue in them. His scent invaded me, stirring something I didn't know I had.

Mate, I growled.

He shot up suddenly and I realized that I had unconsciously started towards him. I stopped, making sure I wouldn't scare him off.

Reaching out to his mind I tried to show that I had no ill intentions, that I wouldn't hurt him because he was my mate. I was shocked when I hit a barrier. Not paying attention to the low growl that emitted from him, I pushed a little, inching forward.

I didn't notice him tense up.

I didn't give any thought as to why he was crouched down.

And I sure as hell didn't expect him to lunge.
****So I love Rory already, how about you? lol I'm definitely gonna write about him and his mate in the future (already have some of their story put together in my head) also think I'll do one about Eric and then a back story on Jasper and Lucas. Guess that means this'll be a series, though I wanna make it where you can read it in any order without missing main details. Thoughts?****

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