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          By the time the guests had left, it was 9pm. Brodie, my friends and I were around the bonfire they had worked together to make, the conversation flowing. 

"Look at our boys." Flo grinned, watching as they attempted to collect more wood to throw onto the fire before it burnt out. I watched Brodie, chatting to Colton; it amazed me how much his friendship had grown over the afternoon. He really was a confident person. Bad Boy. I rolled my eyes, I didn't believe it for a second. 

I smiled as Nora walked through the gate, hand in hand with a boy we'd never seen before. Avery ran to her, almost knocking her over as her arms wrapped around her best friend. She took her by her free hand and dragged her over to where we were sat on the benches surrounding the fire. She took her place on the only free bench, the boy sitting nervously beside her. She was clearly nervous as well,

"Guys, this is Declan, my boyfriend." Avery squealed in excitement; clapping like a seal, whilst the rest of us just looked shell-shocked. We had no idea Nora had a boyfriend. "Sorry I couldn't make it this afternoon Rhea, Dec's flight came in." 

"Welcome to the group, Dec." I smiled at him, passing him a drink. He smiled in appreciation as he relaxed. The rest of the boys threw the last of the firewood on the pile, almost re-igniting the fire. They joined us, Brodie taking a seat beside me and wrapping an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him to supposedly share our body heat, and the conversations took off. Declan and Nora had been together coming up four months, and had met during the Summer on her trip to India. Born in Philly, but moved to England young, he had an accent to die for. She hadn't told anyone because she wasn't sure the long distance would work, but here he was. Here they were. 

          "So, so, Dec." Brodie leant forward, trying to get him to hear him over the sounds of everyone else talking. It was around midnight now, although everyone seemed to have lost track of the time. The voices quietened as the attention was turned to the boy next to me. "So, probably a stupid question but I've never been to England so," he shrugged, "do you Brits really say things like top of the day to ye'." I laughed, nudging him in the ribs.

"That's Irish." Brodie shrugged it off, although I could see the blush rise slowly up his neck. 

"Ok, well do they really say chip off the ol' block?" " Declan laughed, shaking his head. 

"Not anymore, mate. Just things like a cheeky Nandos." We all rose our heads, looking confused. 

"What in Gods name is a cheeky Nandos?" Avery muttered, picking up a smore and roasting it on the bonfire. I copied her, focusing on Dec.

"A cheeky Nandos is, well..." He paused, taking a sip of his beer in thought. At 18, he was legal to drink in the UK and was quite frustrated that he would be turned down by all the clubs and bars here. Although, obviously he wouldn't want to go anyway, not when he was with Nora — at least that was what he had told her. Regardless, his alcohol tolerance seemed to be much higher than anyone in the garden — except Brodie, I guessed he'd had a lot of drinking experience. Me, on the other hand, I stuck to the Coke. Declan let out a breath of air, still debating how to explain to us, he raised one eyebrow. "Ok, so. A cheeky Nandos is when you were going to go to Maccie's or something but one of the lads really wants chicken, so he says 'hey mate, why don't we get a cheeky Nandos instead?' So we all get in his car and off we go to Nandos and all the guys are like 'Dom, you absolute ledge'." He stuck his arms out in a 'ta-da' motion, to show that his explanation was finished. All of us looked at him, absolutely gobsmacked. What the hell had the British boy just explained? 

"Straight over my head." I laughed, everyone nodded and agreed as we let the night get away with us before the bonfire went out, leaving the past weeks events behind us.

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