Hold Up! What Do You Mean Daughter of an Alpha? (4)

Start from the beginning

On the brink of drifting off to sleep, I felt the other side of the king-sized bed sink which made me smile unconsciously.

It was probably the first night I slept peacefully without any wolves jumping out from nowhere. I snuggled up into my warm bolster and it hugged me close.

Only after a few minutes of silence did I realise that my bolster wasn’t supposed to hug me. I stirred, my eyelids fluttering open slowly, noting that sunlight was pouring into the room.

I tried to stretch, but something was amiss. That was when I found out that my bolster was in fact Xander, and we were snuggled up so closely, nobody would think of us as siblings.

My head was buried in his chest, our legs were intertwined and his arms were wrapped tightly around my waist. Talk about comfy.

“Um… Xander?” I croaked nervously, willing myself to get out of his embrace.

Instead of letting me go like a thoughtful brother would, he pressed himself closer (if that was possible) and his grip around my waist tightened.

As much as I wanted to stay there and enjoy his non-sibling affection time, I wanted to stay away from him. The last thing I needed was to fall for my own brother. The concept of it was disgusting.

I glanced up at his sleeping face, his signature smirk plastered on his face. He wasn’t sleeping at all, unless he could sleep with a smirk on, which takes a lot of skill.

“Xander,” I hissed menacingly, “Let go.” But instead of sounding fierce, I sounded like a rat pleading for cheese. I blushed in embarrassment.

He looked down at me with a certain gleam in his eyes, but they suddenly hardened. In a swift movement, he was no longer beside me, and was standing up from the bed.

My heart pounded suddenly, as if it was missing being embraced by Xander.

I ignored the craving to be near my brother and slowly inched out of bed, my muscles recovered and ready to fight off anything.

“It’s nearing noon, get some clothes from here, freshen up and we’ll leave for home,” Xander’s muffled voice stated from inside a walk-in closet.

When he said ‘home’, I couldn’t help but think about my foster parents and so I decided to ask Xander.

“Hey Xan, what happened to my foster parents?” I asked coolly as I paced into the closet and settled for a cooling pair of summer shorts and an oversized tee.

From my peripheral vision, I could see my brother gawking at me. “You want the truth?” He gulped.

My mind was filled with gruesome images of what might have happened to them.

“Never mind then, I don’t want to know.”

I quickly ran into the bathroom and found some female undergarments. They seem new, but I had my second thoughts on those. Nevertheless, I did need a fresh set of undergarments.

Quickly, I stepped into the shower and wasted no time in it. Just the thought of meeting my dad made me pumped up and nervous at the same time.

When I emerged from the bathroom, Xander was already out of the other shower and clad in all his half-naked glory and dark denim jeans. He was busy ruffling his hair with a towel, and it took me more than a few moments to regain control of my limbs.

My face remained blank when I heard his chuckle; I was too busy getting that image of him out of my mind to no avail, of course.

“Lead the way, Xan.” I muttered while throwing my dirty laundry in a basket nearby that had the sign ‘I eat laundry, feed me laundry!’

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