"Thank God for that," Larxene agrees with a shrill laugh.

"[Na-x-me]," Xemnas interjects loudly, causing all of them to glance up at the silver-haired male. "Go train with Vanitas. He'll help you get ready for your first mission."


"No arguing," Xemnas interrupts, glaring at the dark-haired replica. "You're lucky I didn't rip out your heart for letting that girl live."

Vanitas scoffs as he storms out of the room, the excitable female Nobody following right at his heels.

>> Fast-Forward >>

(If it's not obvious, that's 'your' Nobody. And she has the power to control the will of others. Think the Puppermaster from Heroes)

"I could not be happier to be leaving that world," you mutter with a sigh as you take your seat on the Gummi Ship.

"Don't tell Leon or Yuff that," Reno tells you quietly.

"Tell us what?" Yuffie asks.

You glance over at her warily. It had only been a few hours since her promise to stay quiet about walking in on you and Zack, and you were still rather on-edge about the whole ordeal.

"She wanted to leave your world," Axel speaks up, earning a glare from you. "What? You said it! And I couldn't agree more by the way. Boring, got it memorized?"

"Jerk," Noctis huffs, as Sora's phone starts to ring.

"Huh, dunno who this is," Sora muses before punching a button. "Hello?"


He holds the phone out at a safe distance, the screaming voice ringing through the ship.

"Ow, don't yell! Who's this?" Sora presses.

"SORA! It's me, Jack!"

"... Sparrow?"

"No, Skellington!"

"Oh," Sora laughs as everyone in the Ship start to smile a little. "Is everything okay? Santa's not in trouble, is he?!"

"... Seriously?" Riku asks dryly.

"No no, Sandy is fine. We just have a... minor situation. Can you help?"

"We'll be right there!" Sora exclaims.

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