Chapter 9

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Jayfeather had spent many days in the Tribe of Rushing Water and he was getting tired, he knew that his time there was coming to a close. He had to leave.
Jayfeather paw steps made small noises against the damp stone as he padded across the cave and entered Stoneteller's den. There he found the old cat lying on his side. Jayfeather felt a burst of happiness coming from the old cat as Jayfeather entered the cave.
"You are leaving,"Stoneteller said in a raspy tired voice, how does he know?
As if he could read his mind, Stoneteller said, " I can read your emotions as well as you can my dear friend. You are troubled, but beware beyond these peaks lies a surprise you have never imagined." With that, Stoneteller turned around and settled in her scoop in the stone and motioned Jayfeather to leave her in peace. As Jayfeather left, he could not help but wonder what Stoneteller's ominous warning meant.

As the tribe clustered around Jayfeather all saying their individual words of farewell, Jayfeather felt a pang of sadness, all of these cats had helped him so much. Now, he would leave them. As soon as Jayfeather finished casting his last goodbyes, Brook led him out, her soft footsteps echoing through the cave. It was eerily silent, and for the first time in days he noticed the thundering sound of water crashing against stone, and with that he turned his back, tail held high and walked out of the cave.

Brook had left him a few hours ago, one she was done leading him out of the mountains. Jayfeather relished the feeling of soft grass against his paws as he walked on, Brook had given him strict directions on how to get to the Highstones, he was not to go astray. As he padded on, he noticed the wind against his cold fur and was saddened at the fact that he was traveling alone. A blind cat walking alone? How funny! As if proving his point, he stumbled into a rabbit hole, how am I ever going to make it? He thought despairingly. As Jayfeather grew weary from falling and stumbling, as well as walking, he dragged his tired paws to a sheltered crevice in the boulders and let the wave of black surround him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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