Chapter 2: bully

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Tuesday 10th 2002

Jungkook moves around trying to get up but he feels an arm push him back down

"Are you ok now, just lay down, everything is going to be ok" spoke a deep voice. jungkook tries to open his eyes but it was blurry and all he could see was a tall shadow in front of him,he eventually opened his eyes and it was his father Namjoon standing at the end of the bed with a worried face and then he smiled.

"A-appa what head hurts...why does my head hurt appa?" jungkook replied voice shaking and then he gulped and put his hands on his head

"Well you started screaming and appa and i came in your room and you fainted in his arms but he didn't catch you properly so you hit your head on the floor so appa laid you down in your bed and" he gets cut of by Jin running in the room

"Hey how's my baby are you okay" Jin spoke quickly and sat next to jungkook and started to play with his messy hair.

"My head still hurts i think...... but i'm ok thanks for taking care of me appa"he cuddled his father and then he realized that it was Tuesday.

"Appa I have school what time is it?" He looks at his phone and it was 06:30" shall I get ready for school now appa" Jin and namjoon nodded and walked out of the room so he could get changed

When he finished getting ready for school it was about 06:45, jungkook went down stairs and jumps because the floor was so cold so he quickly ran and turned the floor heating . He then walked slowly to the sofa and waited for 07:45 so he could catch the bus for school

------Time passes-------

The bus was outside his house and jungkook looked less tired so he walked on the bus with his head held high and sat next to Soojin again as usual.

"Hey how are kookie" She open her eyes wide and start to stare at him

"Yeah I'm fine I just have a headache" she looked at jungkook and dropped her head and then looked back up at him

"Same I think i have a headache too" she rested her head on jungkook shoulder and he put his hand on her forehead and looked a bit shocked

"Wow Soojin-ah your head is boiling are you okay"she just started to close her eyes and jungkook was getting really panicky but they were finally at the school

"Hey Soojin we are here..come on wake up" he tried to tickle her but she hit him away but then she got up and they both left the school bus "we have English now so let's go" he didn't really like English class because there were two people who would make fun of him and Soojin they were the bullies of the whole school. People call the V and Jhope but there real names were Taehyung and Hoseok but they never liked being called their real names.

Jungkook didn't know why so he just didn't say anything to them. Jungkook and Soojin walked to English class with their books in their hand and their bags on the left shoulder. Someone push passed the middle of them and made their books go everywhere jungkook realized that it was V " you ugh" he mutters under his breath and Soojin did the same. They sat at the back or the classroom and V and Jhope also sat at the back.

"Okay guys today we are going to be learning spellings" the class huffed at the teacher she was from England and became a English teacher in Korea

They started to have a spelling test an jungkook new he would pass because he's amazing at English

V and Jhope were kicking the back of Soojin's chair and it was hurting her head so jungkook stood up and told the boys to stop and then V got up and walked toward him towering over him and stared

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