"Eating. Cid made us breakfast," Xion tells you.

"So get changed and come on down!" Yuffie adds, giving you a thumbs-up as she and Xion charge down the staircase leading downstairs.

You sigh, watching them leave with mild interest. Normally you'd be thrilled at the prospect of a free meal. But today... today you woke up a different person.

>> Fast-Forward >>

Everything reminded you of the nightmare that was the past 24 hours. The shower brought back flashbacks of drowning in the ocean. The yellow soap was the same color as Vanitas' emotionless eyes. Your clothes are torn and dirty, with a small hole in your shirt where your heart was pierced with the Keyblade. You couldn't get down the stairs fast enough, ready to be around people and away from your thoughts.

"[Name]!" Sora greets, practically bouncing in his seat as you jog into the kitchen.

"Nice clothes," Reno laughs, earning a punch in the arm from Riku.

"Rude," Riku chides, glaring at the redhead before glancing towards you. "Your clothes look fine, [Name]. Distinguished."

"Yeah, right. Look, here's the hole left behind by the blade that killed me!" you complain, tugging at your shirt.

"Okay Mopey, take a seat," Zack insists, tugging on your arm so you're sitting next to him on the long bench. "You didn't die."

"Oh okay, so there's another word for being stabbed through the heart and dying?" you ask sarcastically.

"Sora survived it," Cloud reminds you through a mouthful of eggs.

"Gross, chew before you speak," Axel mutters, smirking as Cloud glares over at him.

"Yeah, I stabbed myself," Sora adds with a tiny laugh. "Then I came back as a Heartless, followed Donald, Goofy... and Kairi, and then poof. Back to normal!"

"... How is that not dying?" you press with a sigh.

"You can't come back from the dead," Leon reasons. "It's... impossible."

"Okay, so I didn't die," you agree, their words somehow making sense to you. You still didn't know where you were in the darkness and in the ocean, but it definitely wasn't heaven. It was much too realistic. "But, what about my potential Nobody?"

"Different problem for a different day. Let's just focus on having you back now, with us," Noctis suggests, smiling a little as everyone nods enthusiastically in agreement.

"And for God's sake, smile!" Zack adds, pulling up your cheeks so that it looks like you're grinning.

"Stop," you laugh, pushing his hands away. "Alright alright, I'll lighten up. Now where's this wonderful food I was promised?"

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