Chapter 8

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The next day, Elena was full of joy,knowing that it would finally be her first day in college. After a month of trying to convince Alaric to move there with Caroline and Bonnie, he gave in and today was the day she had to say her goodbyes. Jeremy held her close, but he was leaving too, for school,in Florida. Alaric was emotional and worried for both of them.

,,Elena,Jeremy,please take care of yourselves." He pleads,and Elena hugs him to shatter his emotions.

,,Come on,Alaric,I'm just 30 minutes away,it's not like I'm going to be far away." Elena says,and Alaric hold her close.

,,Well,I am going to be far away,but I'll always think about you,guys." Jeremy adds and Alaric pats his back.

,,And,Elena,don't forget what we talked about." Alaric says and Elena rolls her eyes.

,,Yeah,I know,every weekend I am on house duty,since no one will live here. I know." She says,witty and Alaric laughs.

,,Don't worry,Elena. I'll deal with it on my breaks." Jeremy tries to assure her but she scoffs.

,,You have breaks just three times a year. I'll have to do this everyday. When I'm going to be a doctor,I'll hire a maid with my first money." She says chuckling.

,,Oh,come on,Elena. We both know that you like to keep care of this house." Alaric says jokingly and Elena nods happy.

,,Yeah,I do. I overreact. Sorry." She says,while dragging her luggage to the door.

,,I'm going to miss both of you.Especially you,Jeremy." She tells them,coming to hug Jeremy.

,,I know,Len.I'm gonna miss you too." He says,holding her tight.

,,Take care of you." She adds. ,,And call immediately if you find a girl." Alaric and Elena laugh,but Jeremy just scoffs.

,,Goodbye." Elena says, closing the door after her.

After a 30 minutes ride to the college,she gets out of her taxi and she meets Caroline and Bonnie waiting for her.

,,Elena." Caroline cringes while she came to her,over excited.

,,I'm so sorry,I tried to hold her back as much as I could." Bonnie says,but Elena just hugs her.

,,Gosh,it feels so good to be back together." Caroline says and Elena nods. And Bonnie just came and looked at us.

,,Are we going or not today?" She asks,clearly bored out of her mind.

,,Yeah,of course." Both Elena and Caroline say,with their smiles big.

The three of them were smiling so hard, that it could break them,but Caroline was the most excited. Bonnie's eyes were scanning everyone in the crowd,paying more attention to the boys. Caroline was reserved,because she wasn't available anymore,and Elena just looked in the schedule,interested in the courses they will have.

,,Hey,Care,do you see that guy?" Bonnie says,and Caroline looks in the direction she was pointing at. There was a tall boy, with dark hair and big blue eyes,but Caroline couldn't think of anyone but Sam. Since Elena and Bonnie didn't know that, Sam and Caroline still keeping their relationship a secret, she nodded,but suddenly changed the subject.

,,Let's go see our dorm." She says, very excited and the girls just followed her lead.

After they unpacked and chose their bed, Elena felt like going outside to write in her diary. But Caroline stopped her in her tracks.

,,Tonight,there is a party in the big building,for the new year." Caroline adds excited,but Elena felt the urge to roll her eyes.

,,Are you back in business,Caroline?" She asks,reffering to the parties Caroline used to do back in highschool.

,,Something like that. I'll have to get warm first,but I believe I could get in the party council. It's important,please be here." She pleads and she nods, getting outside.

She found a perfect spot,quiet and away from the rest of the students. She started writing slowly in her diary of all the emotions and moments she felt that day,the words flowing on the paper. After a while, a shadow covered her sunlight and she shot her head up to see the person she was surprised to see there. No one other than Dean Winchester. Her heart skipped,and she shut close her diary in one second,blushing.

,,What are you doing here?" She asks,with her red rosy cheeks still on. He chuckled at the seen of her blushing.

,,Alaric told me it was your first day in college and I couldn't miss it." He says, smiling and Elena frowns.

,,What? Is it something wrong?" He asks,worried that he did something wrong and took her off.

,,No,no,not that. That." She says,pointing somewhere in the crowd to someone coming their direction.

,,Who's that?" He asks and Elena sighs.

,,My ex." She simply says,tilting her head to her old diary. In there,she wrote every single moment she had with him,and how everything went down. She didn't feel the same way.

Dean felt himself standing up,but Elena wraps her arm around his wrist to stop him.

,,Please,Dean,don't do anything,please." Elena was scared,because she knew Dean,even as a hunter,didn't compare to the strenght Stefan had as a vampire. And she didn't want to see Dean hurt.

Dean was now balancing to go shake Stefan a little,or to listen to Elena's pleads. But little did he knee that any way,he would lose.

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