Chapter 3

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"Who are those guys?" Caroline asks. "That one is totally my type." She points to the long-haired one, Sam. But Elena couldn't care less. She had eyes just for Dean and somehow he did too. He made her a sign to come take his order and she came fast to their table.

"So,guys, what can I get you?" She asks, and Dean moves his lips,not decided. " I will probably have apple pie and a burger." He says and Sam asks for a salad .Dean couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Hey, Dean." Dean flutters his hand to Sam to make him quiet.

"Man,hey. We're not here for that kind of hunting ." Sam points out , and Dean looks back to him, with a spark in his eyes, but it wasn't lust. It was something else. Something Sam never saw in Dean. Something he didn't think he would see.

"It's different,Sam. I feel it, something about that girl...I...I don't know, she's not like the rest. I...I sense it. It's weird and it scares me." Dean says, playing with his fingers,when Elena comes back with their pies and burgers.

"Here." She puts them on their table, and Dean smiles at her like she was the single girl in the world.

"Thank you." Dean smiles, holding his burger, and taking a bite of it.

"You're welcome." She says, leaving,but turning around to take another look. Something inside draws her every single particle to him. Her heart was pumping so hard in her chest. And she didn't even catch his name.

After the shift, she thanks Matt and Matt thanks her for the help, and she met Alaric in front of the Grill. He came to hug her, because he just came back from his trip.

"How was it,Alaric? Did you find any trail to follow?" She asks him, Elena still snuggled on his chest.

"No,but I brought help. They are the sons of the best hunter I've ever seen. They'll probably stay at my place,but you'll see them most of the time."

"Great, can't wait to meet them. But Alaric, please, if you found him and if he's someone we know..." I say and he understands.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's not Stefan.It can't be him. I already asked him and he was in control back then." Alaric says and Elena smiles.

"Are you done with him?" He asks, and Elena sighs.

"I still love him, but I don't believe we will get back together. He's a vampire, I am human, we don't have a future together. I want someone to settle with, marry, have kids and live happily ever after, but not literally for ever. "

"OK, sweetie."

Alaric was like a stepfather for Elena since her aunt Jenna died and she couldn't love him more. He trains her every day so she could protect herself, with Katherine still walking around, prepared to attack her or pretend to be her and to train her to fight any vampire as best as she can, enough to throw a stake in his heart.

"Are we going home now?" He asks, and Elena nods, smiling. He missed him so much. And she can't wait to meet the brothers.

Dean and Sam get out of the grill and as they walk away, Dean turns back,looking again on the window to see the beautiful Elena still serving. He sighed and looked at his phone. Then, he dialed Castiel, bringing his phone to his ear.

,,Cas,hey,we've got a case." Dean says, harsh and very fast.

,,Oh,hello to you too,Dean. My day was great,thanks,before you had to harshly demand me what to do." Castiel says sassy at the end of the line.

,,Oh,come on,Castiel, I'm not in a mood,OK? It's something big and we need your help." Dean groans and Castiel rolls his eyes at the other line.

,,How's Sam,by the way?" Castiel asks,and Dean looks around,seeing that Sam is no longer next to him.

When Dean looked back at the Mystic Grill for Elena, Sam kept going, stubborn to understand everything about the town. And ,distracted, he crashed into a girl, that made the blonde girl's phone fell to the ground.

"Oh,my God, I am so sorry, I was distracted." Sam said really fast and he looked up to the girl. Her beauty made him stumble and he easily got on his knees to get her phone,but she did the same. And they were facing each other,looking in the eyes. Sam had to admit it, she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and maybe the perfect one for him. Caroline realised from the first moment he was the one she saw in the Mystic Grill and closer, he was even more handsome. 

"No,it's OK. I needed to get a new one anyway." Caroline says,trying to reach her destroyed phone.

"Let's... let's buy you a new one. I'll pay it,since I kind of destroyed it." Sam says,but Caroline stops him.

"No,there's no need. I can afford a new one, you're not supposed to." Care knew that she could always use her vampire powers to compell for a new phone.

"I insist. Maybe that way, you can show me around? I am kind of lost." He says and Caroline giggles. He was kind and sweet.

"Yeah, interested in anything specific?" She asks. He stares at her. "I'm Caroline." She gives her hand so he could shake it.

"Sam." He takes it and shakes it,and they walk on the street,to the phone store.

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